Become A Magnet to Health, Prosperity & Happiness in the New year 2018.

Become A Magnet to Health, Prosperity & Happiness in the New year 2018.

Feeling prosperous begins within. If you get your mind right you can attract all that you want into your life. May GOD help you attract an abundance of prosperity into your life.

Have you ever just wanted to become a magnet to wealth, prosperity and happiness?

So, let me guess – you want to be rich. Nothing wrong with that, but if I had to take another guess, it would be that you were going about it the completely wrong way.

Playing the lottery? Complaining about your current financial position? Trying get rich quick schemes? Do these sound familiar?

If so, you are going about it the wrong way. Wealth is not an accident. Certain people have it, because certain people knew how to build and attract it. Yes there are exceptions – Like lottery winners and kids born into wealth. But since you are reading this I assume you are not one of them!

So listen up. Because I hope to change your attitude on wealth and how to attract it in this article. Here’s how to become a magnet to wealth, prosperity and happiness.


The Fundamentals of the Law of Attraction

“Oh no, here we go – another post about the law of attraction and how to mystically create wealth.”

Not so fast. While part one of this post may be about the fundamentals of the law of attraction, you will be learning how to actually take physical steps to attract wealth into your life – not just how to close your eyes think positively and wait for hundred dollar bills to drop on your lap. (That’s not how it works!)

I recently read an article called The 4 Steps to Success: How to Succeed at Anything You Do. The same principles that apply in that article, apply to creating and attracting wealth.

There are 4 parts:

  1. Knowing/asking for what you want
  2. Believing & acting as if it already is
  3. Aligning your thoughts and actions (A.K.A working your ass off)
  4. And playing the long game


1. Knowing/Asking for what you want

Step 1 of the law of attraction states that you must fundamentally ask the universe for what you want. You do not have to think of it this way. But you do need to set a concrete end goal of what you want. It could be as simple as a raise at work.

If you want to become a magnet to wealth and prosperity, you need to write down this goal. If it is to be a millionaire, you need to write down this goal as well.

I have my goals written on a white board on my wall.

It makes it real, and not just a thought you once had. After you have in concrete words what your goal is, you have set your mental GPS. You have a end destination. Have this goal somewhere where you see it everyday.


2. Believing and Acting as if it already is

The second step of the law of attraction is to believe that what you have asked for is manifesting. Having a goal is great. But if you don’t believe you can do it, what’s the point. Quick wake up call: You CAN do anything. Truly, you can.

First, you need to believe that without a doubt that you will accomplish your goal. Your mindset should be the mindset that everything that happens to you, happens to get you one step closer to your goal.

If you lose Rs.1,000.00, you have to believe that that happened in some way to teach you a lesson to get you closer to wealth and prosperity. This may take practice. Don’t be discouraged.

Next, you need to ACT as if you have already achieved your goal. In this case – being rich.

How do you act rich without money?

It’s not as hard as you think. Visualize daily. Successful people visualize, and you don’t! What’s wrong with this picture.

All you have to do is for 5 minutes every morning and night, close your eyes and visualize being that rich successful person that you want to be. Most importantly, feel how great it feels to be rich, and how fun it is to be able to throw hundred dollar bills all over the beautiful girls you have hanging outside by your pool.

Connect to these feelings as much as you can. If I don’t get the chills during my visualization – I’m not done. Then come back to present time, and HOLD THOSE FEELING WITH YOU. This is how you feel rich when you are not yet rich.

At first, those feelings will fade fast, but with practice – you will walk around feeling rich all day long – no matter how much money you have You don’t have to spend money to feel rich. Rich people are often the most stingy.

A big concept of the law of attraction is that your vibes need to match what you are trying to manifest. This means that if you want to be rich, you have to have the vibes of a rich person or it is simply not possible to receive it. This may seem mystical but think about it.

If you want to be rich, if you want to become a magnet to wealth, and you are living your life like a depressed poor a-hole, at what point do you think money is going to start flowing towards you.

What does it hurt to feel and act rich and feel entitled to money. I bet after that you will start to find ways to make money and start to generate real wealth.

3. Align your thoughts and actions (A.K.A working your a** off)

This is the secret part of “the secret” that many people never implement. You have programmed your brain. Awesome. Seriously – really awesome. But what good does it do if you are taking zero action and laying around watching T.V all day.

Good news is, I truly believe that someone that is 100% committed to the first two steps, will not just lay around and watch T.V all day. Maybe it’s part of the secret, but doing these things makes you take action in life. So you have to do it.

What action can you take?

Maybe you are at the start and you have zero money making prospects. The only thing you can do is start somewhere.

First understand that in order to make money you must provide a service to people. No service, no money. Your service can be information, a product or anything else.

Think about what you are passionate about, and then think about how you can spin it to provide a serve to others. Then provide the shit out of that service. You may fail, which is good – because you will learn a lot. But you have to keep pushing. This is a long term thing. (More on that later).

Don’t know where to start?

Write down 5 things that you can do today that can get you started. Maybe they are as small as saving money here and there. Just start being a doer. Over time, you will develop all this and start to meet people who can help you & get ideas of things to do.

Trust me, you will. You are truly attracting this wealth into your life through being congruent in your thoughts, feelings actions. LIKE A MAGNET!

If you don’t believe me try it. If you don’t try it, you’ll never know. Lastly, this goal has to be your life, your obsession. Everything you do must be taking you close to it. Just keep taking baby steps.

“Baby steps will take you to the top of Mount Everest, as long as you keep taking them.”

4. Play the long game

What is the long game? It is this crazy idea that success and wealth take a LONG time to build. <GASP>

Seriously, in modern day – reality is distorted. All we hear are stories of successful people and see rich people on TV, but no one talks about the 2-10 year journey that they took to get there.

What makes you think you are any different. Why on earth should you be able to create massive wealth in 3 months.

Everyone else had to put in years upon years.

And remember,

  • Get rich quick schemes don’t work. That’s 2 months wasted that you could have been doing an apprenticeship.
  • Playing the lottery is putting your hopes and energy towards a free winning gift, that you probably won’t win. That energy should be concentrated towards you building actual wealth. Some people call it a tax on stupid people, maybe they’re right. Play the long game. Or be poor for your entire life.
Life teaches us that success, abundance, prosperity, peace and happiness come when we achieve what we plan and strive for. A few tips and secrets on how to create a happy and prosperous life may be quite useful.

Spread love

In order to achieve great accomplishments we have to take big risks. The more we want to achieve, the greater the risk of have to take. The more love we give, the more vulnerable we become, but the result is even more love coming back to us in response.

Learn from life

We should learn from our life. When we lose something, like it happens to everyone from time to time, we should lose it with dignity and learn from the lessons that life teaches us through experience, transforming them into a positive development.

Show respect

We must respect others as we respect ourselves. First of all, we need to respect ourselves and show it to others. In today’s society a lack of self-esteem becomes noticeable. To see that, pay attention to how people behave and dress.

Be responsible

We should take full responsibility for our actions. Always act with common sense and show love and respect to another person. Remember that everything that is done with great kindness, is doomed to success.

Be decent

Live an honest and decent life. In today’s world, as you can see, questions of decency and deceit are very acute. It is important to be fair and honest person, respectful decorum.

Admit your mistakes

Do not forget to take immediate actions when you realize you made a mistake. It is important to recognize that you made a mistake and take immediate steps to fix it. This is a sign of maturity and courage.


Do not let little things interfere with your life and destroy a great relationship. Both in personal life and in business, relationships have a great value, so don’t treat them lightly. Therefore, when small disagreements occur, do not let them ruin your relationship. Forgive and move on.


Be open to changes, but do not neglect your values. When we change, we learn and grow. Too often people give up their own beliefs in favor of immediate gratification and greed.

Learn to listen

There are times when it is better to remain silent than to speak. Very often we feel the need to express our opinion, but there are many situations in life when it is better just to keep quiet and listen. By listening, we learn another person’s point of view and get a better understanding of the situation. For many people, this rule is one of the most difficult to digest.

Create abundance

Create an atmosphere of love and harmony in your house. When we create an atmosphere of love, we create the foundation for happiness, abundance and prosperity. Remember that by giving something we get greater pleasure and reward in return.

Practice calm reflection

Spend some time alone at least once a day. You can reflect on the events of the day. This is your opportunity to make up a picture of your life and gain complete control over it. This is the framework for your abundance and prosperity.

Give yourself to people

Remember that in any relationship, your love for others is more important than your need for them. In other words, giving yourself to people without any expectations, in the end you will get the greatest satisfaction and reward.

Following these simple rules will bring you abundance, prosperity and happiness. They will help you achieve your life goals. Always have a firm belief in what you intend to do, as long as you do it for good and follow these simple rules.


In Conclusion

This is not a hard thing to adopt. You do not have to drastically change your life to start being a manifested. 5 minutes to write your goal on your wall, 5 minutes a day to visualize, and hard work the right way as you go.

And I want to leave you with a word , that is the clearest explanation of how to become a magnet to wealth into your life I have ever found. Confess... I am Healthy, Wealthy and Prosperous.God is with me.. He shall take care of me.

Deiva Kumar

General Manager at Eldorado Technical Services

7 年

Quite inspired , great read. Thank you for your kind knowledge share. Let the new year be a great beginning to all of us.

Magesh Iyer

investment banking | m&a

7 年

Laws of Attraction actually works. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Valarie Serrato

Owner @ VP Serrato Construction LLC | Licensed General Contractor

7 年

A lot of great information! Thank you for sharing.

Ravikkumar Rajagopalan

Sr. Administrative Officer Protocol & Consular at Royal Danish Embassy New Delhi July 1979 - January 2017

7 年

Wonderful and outstanding


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