Become a 'Lifetime Member' of our Startup Week Community for just £75
Paul Lancaster
Founder of PLATFORM | UK Startup Week + Business Growth Consultant ???
Just over 12 months ago, I introduced a way for people to become an Annual Member of my new online Startup Week Community so they could join our Startup Week ONLINE events in May & September, access our monthly Founders’ Friday events & drop-in sessions, get 1-2-1 business coaching, special offers, deals & discounts & access more curated content every week.
The Startup Week Community is primarily run through a private Facebook Group which currently has 182 Members who are mostly small business owners but also includes local business advisors, experts from large multinational companies & some investors too.
After a lot of thinking, I’ve decided to give everyone who has already paid to join the Startup Week Community LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP of our private Facebook Group, free access to any future events I run (both online & offline), speaking & networking opportunities, 1-2-1 business coaching & a range of other benefits listed on our website at
The same will be given to anyone new who decides to join – Lifetime Membership (instead of 12 months) for a one-off payment of just £75.
(Businesses / organisations can also get a ‘Group Membership’ for the reduced price of just £60 per person if they buy 5 or more in bulk. If you’re interested in this option, please email me at [email protected]).
The current Members & I have already done some amazing things together but I’m even more excited about what we can do in the months & years ahead, especially when COVID-19 finally goes away & we can start having proper events again!
If you’d like to become a Lifetime Member, please join us today!
Paul Lancaster (Founder & Director, Newcastle Startup Week)