Become Intentional

Become Intentional

“STOP Grinding…
STOP Hustling…
START Taking Control…
- Jared Yellin

I’m not sure if you have ever heard me share MY FILTER…


How I make decisions…

How I say yes or no…

How I maintain my “have it all” lifestyle…

How I am able to get so much done…

And when I abide by MY FILTER…

Life works!

But when I don’t…

Life becomes a grind and hustle…

Let me share my filter and then let’s talk about why GRIND and HUSTLE are counterproductive.

And for the record - this not a game of semantics - GRIND and HUSTLE does not work for anything other than short spurts of energy…

Okay, now my filter…

I am willing to sweat…

But I am NOT willing to bleed…

For many many many (did I say many) years of my life…

I achieved what I defined as success because of BLOOD…

I would muscle my way to the finish line…

I would battle day by day to get where I wanted…

I would grind and hustle without any light at the end of the tunnel…

And what did it get me…

Moderate success with zero energy…

A relationship that would never last…

Health which was good, but not great…

Zero time for family and friends…


I made it…


I suppose it depends on how you define IT…

For me…

IT =

Being a dad FIRST and ALWAYS…

Having the attention and intention with my wife…

Becoming healthier every single day…

Waking up with vibrant and unstoppable energy…

Travelling, adventuring, experiencing life…

Taking on business ventures based on purpose and profit...NOT only profit…

Growing spiritually every minute of every day…

Listen - my IT, might not be your IT and my IT is not always EASY, but I promise you this…

MY IT does not require any blood…

Sweat for sure - as sweat equals hard work - but NEVER blood!

Well, maybe not never - because last year I started a company and for the first time in many years - that company led to blood based on the never-ending cycle of hustle and grind...

Unintentional with wife…

Not the dad I wanted to be…

No sleep…

Poor health…

Less money produced…

Zero energy…

No life experiences…

Zero spiritual growth...

And the list goes on and on…

Which proves my point…

Grind and Hustle as a norm are not only unsustainable but also wildly unproductive…

I get it - you might be super young and have all the energy and time in the world - but it still DOES NOT WORK!

And I am someone who has proven this because when I was in my GRIND and HUSTLE days (not the handful of months with that company I was referring to from above which I sold for the record when I finally became aware that it was not right for what I wanted in my life)...

I made less money…

I had less time..

I had suboptimal energy…

I made less impact…

I had poor relationships...

I would start and stop almost everything prematurely…

But I was hustling and grinding...right?!?

ENTREPRENEURSHIP is extremely hard work…

I define it as…

Do what others would not imagine doing for a few years of your life so that you can live the rest of your life in a way that others can’t even dream of…

But that does not mean HUSTLE and GRIND incessantly…

It means…




Have a freaking CODE…

Have hard FILTERS…

And most importantly…

Don’t negotiate against your CODE and your FILTERS!

Intentional imbalance is the only way HUSTLE and GRIND works which means there is a beginning and end to the imbalance and once you get to the end - which is NOT a moving target - you get back into balance and you enforce your CODE and FILTERS.

If you adamantly disagree with me - that’s cool - as long as what you are doing works for you - but maybe, just maybe - be open to the possibility of intentionality and control in your life and business with the elimination of hustle and grind.

And just to give you an example of what this looks like in real life - please allow me - and I am not boasting - to share what I have done since July of 2020 when I recalibrated my life by reinforcing MY CODE and MY FILTER…

-Launched CILA LABS which has launched 4 companies and 6 more are in the final stages (10 total)…

-SYNDUIT will launch 10 private labels marketing platforms in 2 weeks…

-Finalized a very important agreement for our international development company…

-Write for 2+ hours each day…

-Changed our kids' school because of the insanity with the pandemic and set up an interim office in order to be close to their school...

-And a number of additional things as well…

And here’s my point…

ZERO hustle and grind!

100% in control and intentional.

Which means…

All of this is sustainable…

And most importantly…

I will continue to have IT…

Being a dad FIRST and ALWAYS…

Having the attention and intention with my wife…

Becoming healthier every single day…

Waking up with vibrant and unstoppable energy…

Travelling, adventuring, experiencing life…

Taking on business ventures based on purpose and profit...NOT only profit…

Growing spiritually every minute of every day…

And as always - this has NOTHING to do with me.

I just want you to see an example of someone who has a CODE, has a FILTER, and does not negotiate against these defined ways of living.

Appreciate you for reading this…

Inspired by you when you act on this…

Go get your IT!

Live with Intention,



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