Become an Intelligent Leader by Sharpening Your Leadership Intelligence & Wisdom
Subhashis Banerji
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In this article, you will read about the following
-41 Immutable actions you must take to be an intelligent leader
-27 Leadership Intelligence -You have to Sharpen Strengthen and Master to be an Intelligent Leader – this is a minimum list out of 52 intelligences that I have identified
-26 Mental Habits and Mindset you need to create – to be an intelligent leader
- Few Bad Habits you Need to Give Up + Few Habits you need to inculcate + 11 things you must stop doing + Few Actions You need to take to identify and utilize opportunities + Creating Leadership Gravitas– to be an intelligent leader
-7 types of people you need to avoid + 9 Elements of Self-assured people you need to work on
- Other relevant articles you may want to read
Developing Leadership Intelligence Leadership Wisdom to be a Great Intelligent Leader
Becoming an Intelligent Leader by Sharpening Your Leadership Intelligence & Wisdom
Leadership intelligence is the ability to lead, influence, transform, and create positive disruptive changes.
Leadership intelligence is about developing wisdom and being smart – and is the ability to make sound decisions* and choices* in all areas of your life – for your current goals as well as your future.
Wisdom and Smartness evolve - not only from your experiences - but also from reflecting purposefully on the experiences and how can you improve in the future.
People with high IQ - are not always SMART in the real sense – although they might be called intellectuals.
Real Wise & Smart people have very high levels of EQs* [Emotional Quotient] + SQs*[Social Intelligence] +SpQs*[Spiritual Quotient or Intelligence] and many other traits - with higher than average IQ – along with many of the 49 intelligences mentioned in this article.
Leadership intelligence matures through acquiring - self-awareness, managing emotions effectively, developing empathy, managing relationships, managing self, managing people in your team and in larger peripheries, managing organization, introspection, dealing with other's emotional outbursts effectively, etc.
Leadership intelligence also needs you to develop, practice, master, and APPLY -analytical, critical, design, creative, innovative thinking skills, problem-solving, and decision-making skills
Leadership intelligence needs strong WHYs – of why you are doing something – this comes from practicing strong positive values, discovering your purpose, and finding meaning in what you want to accomplish.
For Leadership intelligence to be in its best form you also need to work on creating exceptional gravitas.
Gravitas fine-tunes your leadership presence - and makes you comfortable in most situations and most people - irrespective of how formidable, powerful, and great leader you come across - it also makes people accept you as their leader and creates Trust in your decision-making authority as it exudes a higher purpose.
Gravitas is the way you carry yourself, conduct yourself, and communicate - which creates power over others and a lasting influence without authority.
Without Gravitas - your potential, talent, and skill may not get translated into real leadership power.
27 Leadership Intelligence -You have to Sharpen Strengthen and Master to be an Intelligent Leader [17 types of Intelligences TAKEN FROM my article on this website - 42 types of intelligence – if add these 7 then it would be total of 52 types of Intelligences I have discovered]
1. Wisdom Intelligence – the ability to make sensible decisions and judgments and the ability to contemplate and act productively using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.
2. Character Intelligence – is about developing a moral compass & excellence
3. Cultural Intelligence - developing the capability to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations and integrating this to achieve business objectives effectively
4. Digital Intelligence - is developing abilities to adapt to technological advancements and using that to create unparalleled value for employees and customers alike
5. Adopting Technology Intelligence – this is about exploring how the Latest technological advancement can be used to improve UX/CX/EX magnificently for the Best Outcomes
6. Disruptive Business Ideas Intelligence – the ability to think beyond the current and the ongoing developments – the ability to change the playing field
7. Agility Intelligence – developing the ability to use the moments of radical and disruptive changes to lead their organizations into a new era
8. Social-media intelligence – is developing the ability to use the power of social media to promote your vision and goals
9. Cognitive intelligence – is developing by sharpening your ability to think critically - using analytical thinking, creativity, and innovation
10. Happiness-Intelligence – it is about choosing to create and live a life that makes you feel fulfilled about yourself
11. Relationship-Intelligence – it is about connecting and bonding with all your important relations on a higher platform– in your all personal, social, professional, business, and other networks
12. Possibilities-Intelligence – this is about questioning and challenging your assumptions and beliefs and discovering the positives, the options, the choices, the solutions, the possibilities, the advantages - in every situation – irrespective of how bad that may look to you
13. Solution-Intelligence – this is about focusing your energies on finding/developing/creating simple yet effective solutions- and improvising constantly
14. Learning-Intelligence – this is about learning as a nature by constantly updating, up-skilling, and right-skilling yourself in all the roles that you play in life - The speed at which we learn is most important. Learning abilities are not only a Skill – but also a mental habit and attitude
15. Change-Adapting-Intelligence – this is about being comfortable with changes and pro-actively looking for change and preparing ourselves to be ready to welcome/face any change
16. Problem-Solving-Intelligence – this is about taking action within your area of control or influence to increase your competence in handling bigger and tougher problems in life – through small-small steps
17. Common-Sense Intelligence – this is one of the most profound intelligence that we can inculcate Social Intelligence – to be able to connect and understand people
18. Emotional Intelligence – to be able to understand your own emotions and why people do what they do
19. Leadership-Communication Intelligence – this is about mastering the art of making sassy, deeper, and powerful conversations
20. Financial Intelligence – this is about the ability to create financial independence through creating alternative means – irrespective of the changes taking place in your life and the worlds
21. Asking-Question-Intelligence - this is about the ability to ask direct, straightforward, ?meaningful, powerful, thought-provoking, and tough questions from yourself and others
22. Creating-Humor-Intelligence – this is about the ability to laugh at your miseries as well as seeing humor in the most stressful situation AND making people laugh
23. Risk-Taking-Intelligence – this is about the ability to take calculated risks
24. Resilience-Intelligence – this is about the ability not giving up and keep going till objectives are achieved
25. Opportunity Intelligence - this is about the ability to identify the future and emerging Trends and forthcoming changes – before it come in the news or fashion
26. Spiritual and Social Intelligence
27. Conflict Resolution Intelligence – this is about the ability to resolve
26 Mental Habits and Mindset you need to create – to be an intelligent leader – it is a sample list taken from my article in this website - Art of learning new skills – from the sub-heading- 28 Essential Habits & Skills Those We Need to Learn, Use and master to succeed, be happy, grow
1. Habit of discipline
2. Habit of perseverance
3. Habit of Simplifying
4. Habit of sticking with the basics
5. Habit of bouncing back from failures
6. Skill to become a great observer
7. Habit of Assertiveness
8. Habit of Taking Action even if You are Scared and despite your fears
9. Habit of Being Consistent
10. Habit of Letting Go
11. Mindset of Entrepreneurship
12. Mindset of Giving your 100%*
13. Art & Skills you need to Master – to be an intelligent leader
14. Skill of Creativity*
15. Skill of Leadership Communication
16. Skill of Conflict Resolution
17. Skill of Handling Difficult People
18. Skill of Being a Good Observer
19. Skill of being True-Professional
20. Skill of How to Negotiate effectively
21. Skill of how to Sell
22. Art of Listening
23. Art of Asking Questions
24. Art of Storytelling Presentation
25. Skill of How to Learn
26. Art of When to Give up
A few Bad Habits You Need to Give Up – to be an Intelligent Leader – is a sample list taken from my article on the website - Art of learning new skills – from the sub-heading- 57 Bad Habits We Need to Give Up to Be Successful, happy and contented
1. Ineffective Ways of Managing emotions like – anger, frustration, stress
2. Impulsive Financial Habits and Unhealthy Beliefs About Money
3. Habit of Worrying Too Much even for minor insignificant issues
4. Holding Yourself Back – not expressing – because of the concern - what others will think and feel
5. Being Controlling and dominating
6. Using Sarcasm to hurt and control people
7. Talking more than listening
A few Habits you need to inculcate – to be an intelligent leader - is a sample list taken from my article on this website - Art of Learning New Skills –39 Habits of Insanely Productive, Successful and Happy People
1. Facing adversity in the eye and challenging it
2. Being a source of energy that lifts those around you.
3. Understanding your priorities
4. Accepting that relationships are more important than material things.
5. Being happy for someone else's success.
6. Having a positive future vision, no matter how bad your current circumstances.
7. Not letting other people's negativity impact you to bring your motivation down
11 things you must stop doing – to be an intelligent leader - to make people take you seriously and respect you naturally - each of these are independent actions -– it is a sample list taken from my article on this website - Creating awesome gravitas and memorable leadership-presence– from the sub-heading- 19 things you must stop doing
1. Stop competing to get attention
2. Stop looking for validation and approval from others
3. Stop focusing on what others will think or say about you
4. Stop stealing the limelight
5. Stop seeking and taking credit
6. Stop giving excuses
7. Stop blaming others
8. Stop trying to prove that you are smart or the smartest
9. Stop trying to hide your fear
10. Stop trying to be someone else
11. Stop trying to show off
A few Actions You need to take to identify and utilize opportunities – to be an intelligent leader - is a sample list taken from my article on this website - 49 Tips How to Become a Person Who Identifies and Utilize Opportunities
1. Whenever you get a spark of an idea - take action - if it fails - it should not matter to you -?as you will be able to develop resilience and a capacity for taking actions and risks
2. Learn to identify trends - for what changes are taking place in your professional, career, and social front - take proactive action to upgrade your skills, knowledge, and expertise to give the competitive edge and competitive advantage
3. Never play politics to gain benefits - instead create a situation that makes you conquer the world on merit
4. Learn to recognize and seize the opportunities - don't worry about taking action on false opportunities - it is about making your psyche tuned to the opportunities
5. Develop the mindset of opportunistic entrepreneur
6. Seek out new problems to solve - even if does not concern you immediately - proactively put yourself in new uncertain situations
7. Innovate more - learn the best practices from the world from different fields than yours and apply them in your situation - read more, learn more, update yourself constantly
8. Create maintain and nurture professional and social networks - which is of very high quality
9. Keep thinking about creating a breakthrough technology or innovative discovery
7 types of people you need to avoid – to be an intelligent leader - it is a sample list taken from my article on this website - 65 Reasons Why Intelligent People Have Less Friends
1. People who accuse and blame others
2. People who make excuses
3. People who throw tantrums
4. People who pass time and waste their time
5. People who show off and display a lot of drama elements
6. People who are not very focused on success
7. People who are not learners
9 Elements of Self-assured People You Need to Work on – to Be an Intelligent Leader - it is a sample list taken from my article on this website - 86 Ways to be Self-assured and 24 Traits of Self-Assured Person
1. Self-esteem
2. Self-confidence
3. Self-aware
4. Self-pride
5. Self-belief
6. Self-acceptance
7. Self-Efficacy
8. Self-image
9. Healthy and Empowering Self-love
41 Immutable actions you must take to be an intelligent leader
This article was originally published as “The Ultimate Guide to Intelligent Leadership: Actions, Habits, Skills and Mindsets “ in [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life - personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships - please visit all three links [2nd] and [3rd]
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