Become happier and more self-confident by giving yourself more credit!
Artwork and Writing by Joseph Segal

Become happier and more self-confident by giving yourself more credit!


by Joseph Segal

You are an amazingly powerful and capable person!

You get done things all day that often go unrecognized but make a huge difference not just in your own life but in the lives of people all around you.

You matter greatly to this world. Every smile you share with a person, every door you hold open, every kind word you share, it all helps people live a happier life and that is HUGE!!!

Take some pride in your being a good, kind, thoughtful, and capable person, and give yourself credit for the little things. It is the little things that add up to the big things over time for you and everyone you engage with in life!

Being aware of what we do and contribute to life helps us to wake up, to be #mindful living in the here and now rather than our future worries or our past regrets and resentments. This helps us to create a positive loving state of being "in the flow" where our creativity and intelligence can merge to help us make better and healthier choices. Our life is the result of all the choices we have made in the past, so it follows that it benefits us to make good choices in the present!

Small acts of kindness shared with perfect strangers often create feelings of wellness that ripple out in our lives in amazing ways creating positive outcomes for us and others. It's also a great way to commit to living our lives.

I'm sharing this because perhaps like some of you at the end of a long day I've struggled to remember where my time went and what I got done that really mattered.

This is in large part due to the fact that we live most of our lives on autopilot, thinking the same thoughts we thought yesterday and doing much of the same things we did yesterday. It is what I refer to as sleepwalking through life and it doesn't feel good.

I've developed a routine that helps me to stake awake and build my confidence so I can keep creating things, meet new people, and improve my life by facing my fears and obstacles each day.


Here’s a strategy to really help yourself feel confident and empowered.

Do something you feel is important and big first. Usually this will be something that is scary or uncomfortable to even think about. This tells your subconscious mind “I’m a person who handles things and gets important things done!”. I created this article first thing today so I can feel I accomplished something meaningful and important to me! It feels great!

Add to your list the one thing that if you get done today would give you a sense of accomplishment and then get started with that.

Do that most important thing, the task that will move you closer to your desired life you want to enjoy first, and commit yourself to complete it!

Once you complete it, write it down on your “MY WELL DONE LIST” journal!

Why write it down? People who write things down get more done & achieve more of what they identify as a success for them.

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Buy your Well Done List hardcover journal here!

Start getting happier get your daily happiness worksheet free! Enroll at *shameless plug for my new course on creating a life of mindful kindness & compassion. :)

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Write down the thing you were "meaning to do" and decided today is the day and you got it done. Perhaps you were meaning to take that book off the table and put it back on the shelf. Or maybe you were planning on calling someone you haven’t spoken to or been thinking about for some time. Get that "meaning to do" item off of your mind and list and do it! I hope you try this today!

You will be amazed how great you feel the more “meaning to” things get done from your list of things you’ve been meaning to do but kept putting off!


Don’t stop there with the one big thing a day. Write down the “little” things that you felt good about today. Focusing on the meaningful experiences you have creates more happiness each day!

Give yourself credit for your small steps and before you know it you’ll be feeling like a superhero flying through your adventures and achievements! Woot! Woot!

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Yes we all have ToDo lists or many of us do but it’s important to remind yourself of all the things we do get done each day because very often we lose track of our accomplishments and feel as if we are not making enough progress. Have you ever finished your day and wondered what on Earth you got done today at the end of the day?

So here’s the powerful Happiness Tool for increasing your happiness we have created from Joe Segal's Inner Circle the home of our new course in creating a life of kindness and compassion for happiness!

For increased happiness and productivity in life, create your own MY WELL-DONE LIST and journal!

It could be as simple as a yellow notepad with the words “MY WELL DONE LIST!” at the top of it. Or you could buy a nice little journal to keep with you and we’ve made one you can purchase that’s rather special.

Once you complete it, write it down on your “MY WELL DONE LIST” journal!

Why write it down? People who write things down get more done & achieve more of what they identify as a success for them.

Buy your Well Done List hardcover blank pages journal here!

Keep adding your completed tasks to it and read it at the end of each day to reinforce your ability to get stuff done! It doesn’t matter how small the accomplishment you get done is, just jot it down! It’s all the “little things” in life that add up to create our big milestones and important feelings.

And write "I statements" like these for example:

  1. “I read a chapter in my book today!” or
  2. “I did my bookkeeping today!” and
  3. "I made a positive encouraging post online to help people today!" or
  4. "I said something kind and encouraging to my workmate or boss today!"
  5. “I went to the market and bought healthy food and complimented the checkout clerk which brightened up her day!”

Write down any interaction you have with people that created more warmth and meaning in your life. Maybe you looked at the wind blowing through the leaves of the trees and the Sun shining on some wildflowers and waved to a stranger who was out walking her dog.

Claim the victory in your mind. Include things like conversations you have with people and places you visited because it is the experiences we have that create our lasting positive memories. How often do we ruminate, mull over, all the bad stuff going on or that we fear might happen (that almost never ever does!)? It's time to claim your own focus and claim your victories and give yourself credit for the big and small!


THIS is important! At the end of the day read your list for that day and look through the recent past days too. Allow yourself to feel your personal power.

It’s the little things we often cherish looking back, be it back to our childhood or to a moment of kindness we shared with someone.

You are amazing! You do more than you give yourself credit for each day. We all do!

Give yourself credit for every mindful effort you make today and be aware of how you felt when you achieved it. Here’s the power tool you can get to create your own my Well Done list journal. Why use this instead of a notepad? You want your list to have a sense of special meaning and its own positive energy charge so every time you see it it activates that portion of your brain that says you’re capable and a take-charge person that makes things happen!

What do I hope you have learned:

  • Do the one big thing first every day.
  • Focusing on the meaningful experiences you have creates more happiness.
  • You are amazing and do more than you realize!
  • Create a special place to write down your accomplishments.
  • Add and do the one thing to get done that will give a sense of accomplishment first.
  • Create a “My Well Done List” journal and read it nightly. Do you want to learn more lessons and get more happiness tools like this?

Join us at our free Joe Segal's Inner Circler course at and work with us and other wonderful kind people who are working on increasing their happiness today!
Join our happiness community we would love to have you with us!
What can you give yourself credit for today?

I love you!

Joe Segal

Joseph Segal

Helping you create passive income to leave the 9-5 grind - Loving My Side Hustle, Author

2 年

Thank you Paul!


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