Become The Goto Person In Your Industry.
Jim Rohan once said, "Success is not to be pursued; But to be attracted by the person you become".
With that in mind, who have you decided to become, by that I don't mean becoming a Tony Robbins or a clone of some other person you idolise, WHO will you become as the go-to person in business that others will turn to you for help and guidance during 2018 and onwards?.
Most people get this totally the wrong way around, they think that once I become successful I will become xyz the person. From my own experience working with people over four decades is not the case. You have to become the person you are looking to become by acting, behaving and believing in being that person.
There might be a slight element of faking it till you make it but that only applies if you can back up what you are claiming to become or behaving that you are and most importantly is being YOURSELF and not some imposter or it will backfire on you.
It is very similar to becoming happy first in order to achieve success rather than waiting for success until you become happy.
Plan out who it is that you are looking to become the person inside of you who has been yearning to get out to the world and serve the people for a purpose in mind.
Go get them, tiger, before someone else occupies that marketplace, then you will have to play second place or fight that other person to gain the upper hand.
Just think about the quote by Jim Rohn and what the deeper meaning is of that and you will understand where I am coming from and how important this could be for you during 2018 once you understand it and start acting on it.
#MillionaireMentor #SuccessMeetsSuccess