Become a Google Scholar Expert!

Become a Google Scholar Expert!

In my experience, an advanced Google Scholar search often yields dissertation sources that students otherwise miss.

With an advanced Google Scholar search, it is easy to use Boolean operators (and, or, and not) between your search terms to do complex searches. Search?in top journals, do backward searches, expand your searches, save your searches, export your references, and set alerts?for new sources.

Join me for group coaching on Thursday evening?9th of May from?6:00-7:30?to become a Google Scholar expert.?Bring your keywords to the session and use Google Scholar to conduct complex searches to find?sources for your literature review.

The pace of the coaching sessions is slower than the webinars, allowing you to practise what we discuss in your own research and ask questions.?I will still be offering my webinars as before, but these will now take place once a month with group coaching on Thursday evenings in between. Our next webinar is on 16th May. I'll send out the details shortly.


