Become a Good Manager. Live Financially Free
kayode kolade
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Dear High Performer,
It's not what you don't have that limits you.
It's what you have but don't know how to use.' - Steve Harris ?
"I'm actually having fun managing my own money! ?
I am financially free and know I always will be... ?
Because I have a Millionaire Mind." ?
- Deborah Chamitoff to T. Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker) ?
The secrets of men are in their stories. ?
These days I'm learning to pay closer attention to the things I read because sometimes... ?
That one word you overlook or trivialize may just be the key to your breakthrough. ?
The word I want to focus on here is the word - manage. ?
Maybe it's because of the way I was raised, ?
I would never have imagined the words manage and freedom being mentioned in the same breath. ?
As kids, the word manage is the word you heard after asking for that expensive toy or special treat. ?
We've come to associate 'manage' with with words like... ?
Not enough.
Just getting by.
Being broke. ?
Subconsciously we have come to associate 'manage' with the situation where a person is restricted and constrained. ?
Suffering but smiling. ?
Things will get better someday just not today. ?
Because of this background, some of us have come to hate that word, manage. ?
Is it any wonder then that we struggle in our finances or any area of life? ?
If we hate the very thing that sets the pace for our freedom, then what hope is there? ?
Because that's exactly what management is; freedom. ?
To manage, is to be free. ? ?
Mindset of Freedom ?
It's all about thinking differently. ?
Freedom happens in the mind. ?
Freedom happens when we change the way we think about the concept of management. ?
Most of the world agrees that the crisis in our world today is because of fear and greed. ?
The interesting thing is that greed is the mismanagement of resources. ?
So, if we are going to make progress then we must practice sound management.
We need to start thinking like managers to get ahead in our finances and other areas of life. ?
Where management is absent, struggle is the result. ?
Without management, there can be no growth, progress or development. ? ?
What is Management? ?
Contrary to what some of us were conditioned to believe growing up... ?
To manage means: ? The efficient, effective, correct and timely use of another person's property and resources...
For the purpose for which they were delegated...
With a view to producing the expected added value back to the person. ?
That's Myles Munroe's definition of management. ?
In case you're like me and you would like something less textbooky, ?
To manage means, ?
To get the maximum out of the minimum. ?
To get the most out of the least. ?
To add value to your gift. ?
Management can best be summed up with this quote: ?
It's not what you don't have that limits you, ?
It's what you have but don't know how to use. - Steve Harris ?
So to manage isn't about focusing on what you don't have... ?
It's about recognizing what you do have, and embracing it's value to the point that you use it... ?
And not just use it, but make it more valuable than it currently is. ?
Characteristics of a Manager ?
Managers are Accountable ?
Managers are answerable to someone other than themselves. ?
The mindset of a Manager is - what I have is not my own. ?
It's a gift, given to me in trust. ?
Your gifts, talents, wisdom, relationships, body, time and money, are really not yours. ?
They are gift from God and how you use them is your gift back to him. ?
This is the reason why struggle sometimes in certain areas of our lives... ?
Because we think it's all about us. ?
What I have is mine, so I can do what I please... ?
When I please... ?
How I please. ?
But when we know it's not about us... ?
But it's about who owns everything we have in the first place... ?
And who expects us to increase the value of anything he has given us... ?
Then our perspective changes. ?
We let go of the excuses and get busy doing the things we know we should be doing. ?
God hates waste and maintaining the status quo. ?
As good managers our responsibility is to take an inventory of everything he has given us... ?
And ask ourselves how can I invest what I have been given so that I can increase it's value? ?
Am I investing my time, energy, and resources into activities that add value to my life? ? ?
Managers are Disciplined ?
Discipline is the willingness to endure temporary, present pain for future gain. ?
This is how Managers think. ?
It's not like that they don't feel the pain but they are future-focused. ?
They are able to see the gain coming in the future clearly...
And that's why they act differently from everyone in the present. ?
People may call them crazy or drab... ?
The thing is they don't see what they see. ?
It is this mindset or picture that helps them not to take what doesn't belong to them. ?
It is discipline that makes us not consume what God has given us... ?
But rather invest it in what will bring greater value. ?
Because we know the future reward is coming. ?
This doesn't just apply to money, it's a life principle. ?
Take your body for example. ?
It is discipline that makes us endure the present pain...
Because we can see clearly the future rewards of a healthier and fitter body. ?
To be free in our finances and every aspect of life... ?
We need to manage. ?
To manage is to be disciplined. ? ?
Managers are Honest ?
I can never forget the day I heard my mentor say - ?
Integrity is not about being perfect, ?
It's about being perfectly honest with yourself. ?
If we can't be honest with ourselves, how can we be honest with God and other people. ?
When we try or focus on keeping up appearances, we only end up entrapping ourselves... ?
The opposite of what we really want. ?
The truth sets free. ?
That truth may be messy, disconcerting, but it will set us free. ?
Until we are willing to be honest and admit that we've been foolish in the past... ?
We can't access the wisdom that God has prepared for us. ?
The willingness to accept that we don't know but we are willing to learn... ?
That's our first step towards becoming good managers. ?
It's time to stop the pretense. ?
It's time to get to the root of the issues we are dealing with. ?
There's a reason why you are afraid, angry, or insecure... ?
When it comes to money or any area of life... ?
Take out time to find out why. ?
And be sincere enough to admit it to God. ?
That's the only way the healing, growth and change can happen. ? ?
Managers are Diligent ?
The other day, I was reading the story of how at the age of 12,
Jesus stayed back in the temple in Jerusalem even though the rest of his family had gone back home. ?
And then it hit me - ?
That's the picture of diligence right there. ?
The question we need to ask ourselves as managers is are we willing to 'stay behind' in our work. ?
World class performers like Cristiano Ronaldo are classic examples of great managers... ?
Because they stay behind to continue training even when training is over or ?
They arrive earlier than others. ?
When we pray to God for money, ?
God won't rain down money, he gives us ideas... ?
But most people don't recognize them because they come dressed as work... ?
They want the fruit instead of doing the work to plant the seeds...
Water them and take care of the plants until they can produce the fruit... ?
This is why managers are different from others. ?
While other people see the process of diligence and hardwork as a cage... ?
Managers view diligence differently. ?
Diligence is freedom. ?
The freedom to become who God created you to be. ?
It takes diligence to package your ideas that you could have given out for free... ?
In a way that people find it valuable and pay for it. ?
The process will take a lot of work, but it will never leave you the same. ? ?
Managers are Faithful ?
To be faithful is to be consistent. ?
I bet you've watched that speech by Denzel Washington where he talked about consistency. ?
'Without commitment you'll never start. ?
But without consistency you'll never finish." ?
It's not about where you start, ?
It's about where and how you finish. ?
Just because you start small, doesn't mean you have to end small. ?
Consistency is the difference maker. ?
Consistency is magic. ?
Because it's consistency that takes that small thing you have now and multiplies it several times over. ?
Consistency doesn't add, ?
Consistency multiplies. ?
It is a multiplier. ?
Stop envying what other people have. ?
If you had what they had, it wouldn't help you... ?
It would only hinder you. ?
To be faithful is to full of faith in what you have been given... ?
To the point that you are investing it consistently. ?
You are not moved by how you feel, you are moved by faith. ?
Managers are not random. ?
Managers don't do what they need to do once in a while, only when they feel like it... ?
Or only when it looks like they can see the proofs of their investment. ?
Managers are steady. ?
In and out of season... ?
They stay consistent. ?
They are constant. ?
You are on the verge of a breakthrough. ?
My encouragement is don't get tired now. ?
Whatever you have been doing, keep doing it. ?
People may not acknowledge you, but God sees you. ?
The positive habits you have been putting into practice may not seem to be working now... ?
But I promise you the results are coming. ? ?
Managers are Trustworthy ?
God wants to give you more on every area of your life. ?
But the question is - ?
Can he trust you? ?
The answer to that question cannot be found in our words and best intentions... ?
But in our actions. ?
God decides we are ready for more on the basis of how we handle the little. ?
We can pray and fast for more... ?
But God doesn't give us what we ask for... ?
He gives us what we can manage. ?
This is why management is so important. ?
How we manage little is how we manage much. ?
So, don't ask for much, manage the little and then the much comes. ?
So, instead focusing all our energies on asking God for the much... ?
Let's direct some of that energy into becoming better managers. ?
It's like Dr. David Oyedepo says, ?
You don't grow big to manage well, ?
You manage well to grow big. ?
Becoming a Good
Whatever you fail to manage, you lose. ?
As we work on ourselves to be better managers... ?
As we learn to be more -
Accountable ?
To see God as the owner of everything we have and how we use and invest it as our gift to him. ? ?
Disciplined ?
To see that the gains in the future are greater than any temporary pain. ?
Honest ?
To take off the mask and be willing to admit the areas we need help so we can change and grow. ?
Diligent ?
To change our perspective towards work.
To go the extra mile to serve with excellence. ?
Faithful ?
To be consistent in and out of season.
To start well and better still, to ensure we finish well. ?
As we learn to be and more importantly, do these things... ?
Even with the little have... ?
God trusts us with more.
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"These books will change your life." - Steve Harris, Business Coach and CEO Mentor.
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