Become a Flight Nanny: A Unique Opportunity to Fly Pets Safely Home
While most drivers on the CitizenShipper website transport pets by car, a rising number of flight crew personnel and regular fliers are bidding on long-distance pet delivery jobs as a flight nanny, also known as an air nanny. As they like to call themselves, these "flight nannies" are making good money by flying pets to their destinations.
Plus with the summer months approaching, many airlines have a heat embargo that restricts you from shipping your pet in cargo. If the ground temperature is more than 85 degrees Fahrenheit or less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit, you won’t be able to transport a large pet in cargo.
Hiring an air nanny is a better option. You can also consider ground transportation to avoid the heat embargo. It’s safer and more humane to transport your pet on the ground than via a plane in the cargo hold. It’s also more reliable because you won’t be dependent on weather conditions to transport your pet.
If an opportunity to earn an extra few thousand per month sounds too good to be true, you haven't heard about how lucrative air nanny jobs can be. In fact, according to ZipRecruiter, the average yearly salary of a flight nanny is between $37,000 and $58,000. If you enjoy flying and spending time with animals, read on to learn about our community of air nannies.
What Is It That Flight Nannies Actually Do?
Every day, thousands of people welcome a new member of their family — often a puppy or a kitten. But breeders can be separated from buyers by hundreds or thousands of miles. So they need reliable transporters able to fly the pet out to their new home quickly and safely.
When you take a flight nanny job, you're tasked with meeting the breeder at an airport and taking charge of the pet they're looking to transport. You fly the furball, right next to you in the cabin. The new owners welcome you at the Arrivals terminal, and you make the delivery. Simple enough, right?
But keep in mind that becoming an air nanny for pets isn't just a tremendous source of supplemental income. It's also a huge responsibility, best handled by genuine animal lovers. Each animal you fly over is someone's precious pet, a living thing with its own needs and wants.
When you become an air nanny, it's unlike any other job in transport — it's not about moving crates and luggage. Instead, it's about providing safety, speed and reliability, connecting to the animals and their owners on a human level. And that, of course, is why it pays so well!
Airline Fees vs. Flight Nanny Fees
When it comes to families buying pets from faraway breeders, money is rarely the primary concern. All they want is for their new family member to be delivered to them safe and sound. That's why many are paying $350 for short pet nanny flights or $1,300 for longer ones.
These fees vary, of course. An established puppy nanny delivery service can charge a lot more than someone who's just starting. But the thing is, successful flight nannies have ways of keeping expenses low! Some airlines offer special discounts to frequent fliers. If you can work out a deal that minimizes the cost, you'll yield tremendous benefits in the long run.
Some flight nannies are employed by the puppy breeders, while others work independently. Either way, there's a lot of money to be made. If you don't cut in too many third parties, you get to keep a larger portion of it. And we know that staying independent is often difficult for a new puppy nanny service, but there are ways to pull it off.
Flight Nannies and CitizenShipper
By now, you're probably curious about starting your own puppy air nanny service. You might be wondering where those well-paying customers come in? Well, if you're not hired by a breeder who's already got them lined up, you'll have to find customers yourself. The easiest way to do it is by browsing through an online marketplace.
At CitizenShipper, for example, new pet transportation jobs are posted daily. You get to pick the ones you're interested in, and the hours you work. This way, you can hold down your regular job while picking air nanny jobs.
Cats and dogs are prevalent on our platform - the demand keeps growing. While most customers are looking for ground-based transportation since air travel is costly, it's up to you to change that. Bidding on long-distance pet shipments, you can get in touch with potential customers and explain how things stand. Let them know that flying is faster and less stressful for animals. Tell them about the great deal that you can offer. Tell them how much you enjoy flying with and taking care of animals.
When you want to become an air nanny, the process is simple and free of charge. So if you think that an air transport job might be right for you, give it a shot. In a matter of minutes, you'll be bidding on shipments and chatting with customers.
FAQ: Shipper Responsibilities
We get a lot of questions about puppy nanny shipping services. So here are some of the answers we provide and a few things you should make sure your customer understands.
Finally, here's a quote from one air nanny using the CitizenShipper platform. To all those looking to make supplemental income as a flight nanny, she advises the following:
"Be prepared with toys, small amounts of food and water, calming treats or sprays, and a positive attitude. Not all dogs or cats are familiar with air travel, so you have to have patience and be able to relax them if they are feeling uneasy."
Interested in How to Become an Air Nanny?
If you love flying and taking care of animals, give pet nanny shipping a try. Sign up as a transporter today, and take advantage of all that the CitizenShipper marketplace has to offer.
We have articles that take you through the platform step by step, explaining how to create a profile and market your puppy flight nanny service. Learn from shared experiences in our community of pet transporters. And if you ever run into trouble, help is just a click away!