Become the Energy You Want to Attract: Let Go of Negative Emotions
☆LaKisha "Ki-Ki" Collins☆
??Published Author | YourWay2Wellness LLC | Nutritional Scientist | ?????????????? ?????????? | Day Trader??| Cosmetologist | Business Consultant
Become the Energy You Want to Attract: Let Go of Negative Emotions
Emotions are a very powerful thing. They can take over your life and make you feel like nothing is working out for you, but what if there was a way to let go of negative emotions? In this self-help article, we will discuss how self-esteem plays an important role in attracting the energy that you want to bring into your life.
One of the best ways to attract positive things into your life is by releasing negative feelings, such as anger and self-doubt. Be sure to rid yourself of these emotions so that they do not get in the way of achieving what you want out of life! In this article, I will teach how self-esteem plays a role in attracting more positive things into your life!
Let’s get started!
Be The Person You Want To Attract
The best way for me to describe self-worth is by comparing it with personal value and self-esteem. Why? Because these three concepts have been intertwined throughout my life.
Personal value is the worth of an object placed on the open market in terms of money or other valuables. Self-esteem is how much you like yourself, for example, if someone has high self-esteem they would think highly about themselves and have confidence in their abilities. Self-worth is self-esteem with the addition of personal value.
How To Be The Best Version Of Yourself
By NOW you must be thinking that it is not always easy to be the best version of yourself, but it is worth it when you are attracting what you want in life.
There are many ways to practice self-care and take responsibility for your own happiness.
You can use "Affirmations" or positive statements that remind you that this will only happen with a little work on your part. You can also use "AfFORMations" or positive questions that you can ask yourself.
"Affirmations": "I am a success."
"AfFORMations": "How can I attract successful people?"
Write down three things each day that happened where you were able to show up as the best possible version of yourself. It might be something simple like being kind instead of angry, saying something nice about someone else, or holding the door open for somebody who was coming behind you at Starbucks this morning.
What Are Your Values, And What Is Your Purpose In Life
What are your values, and what is your purpose in life? What do you want to be remembered for when you leave this world? What kind of legacy do you want to create?
The key is taking responsibility so that we have ownership over our lives. We need these questions because it forces us into action instead of being complacent with where we are at right now or wallowing in our sorrows.
Take responsibility for your life, and be the energy that you want to attract!
You have a choice: continue living the way that you've been going or take control of your life NOW by asking yourself these questions so that you can start attracting all of the positive emotions into your future!
To find your purpose you have to identify your passions. Some people call this mindset living in the moment. These are things that are pleasing to you and if you did not have other responsibilities, that is what you would be doing.
-What are my life goals? What do I want to achieve with the time and energy that I have left on this planet?
-Where am I in terms of personal development, success growth, money-making potentials, intellectual pursuits, etc.?
-Do you feel like your environment is helping or slowing down progress towards your desired goal(s)? If it's not helping then keep reading.
No matter what stage you're at in life (younger or older) there is always room for improvement! You can take baby steps if need be but as long as you are moving forward then everything will work out just fine. It all depends on how bad YOU want it!"
Passionate people are good at expressing their values... Being the person you want to be is how you shape your life... If you live according to your values, then it will be meaningful to you. You will feel that your life has a purpose. If your values are positive, deep, and open, you will also be more generous to those around you. This will help make life better. It can make you feel like you are living more.
"You get what you give," so don't just think solely about yourself or there won't be anything left over for anyone else either! Achieving success in any area of one's life takes practice and dedication. It doesn't happen overnight; it takes perseverance and time.
Surround Yourself With Positive People
Your friends and family help shape who you are. If they have negative energy, then it is likely that their negativity will rub off on your life as well. This can be seen in how the people around us affect our moods and behaviors. Be aware of this!
Choose to surround yourself with positive people instead if possible, or at least limit time spent with those who always bring a bad vibe into the room. Not only does spending time with happy-go-lucky types make you feel happier too but it also has been shown to improve mental health outcomes such as feeling more connected, and less stressed. We all know that healthy habits lead to success!
It's all too easy to let others' energy drag you down. So be the kind of person that can't help but attract positive vibes! Create a life where people are attracted to your joy, not repelled by negative attitudes.
The more time you spend attracting what you want in life- peaceful coexistence with family and friends who make you feel happy when they're around, fulfilling work or school sessions - the less negativity there will be in your life.
It's time to stop attracting the energy that you don't want. If you're feeling down, frustrated, or burned out then it may be time for a change of scenery and some self-care.
So what can you do? Find your purpose in life, identify your values, change your mindset, practice Affirmations, and AfFORMations. And finally, make sure to surround yourself with positive people who will support you through this process while also encouraging new opportunities!
Public Health Inspector at Southern Regional Health Authority
3 年So true....