Become a champion for 135 students.
This year will mark 10 years of Building Walls of Wisdom. We're thrilled to have accomplished so much thanks to the tremendous ongoing support from our community.
Today, we're launching our next project that will help a very deserving community in Nicaragua.
The community of Gabriela Tabora, located in the west of Nicaragua, has over 375 families and 135 students hungry for knowledge. While the community is currently making do with a structure made of adobe (packed wood, grass and stones), it is quickly becoming structurally unsound and needs to be replaced urgently.
“Every time the earth trembles, the buildings get new cracks. The classroom is a health and safety hazard.” - Principal of Gabriela Tabora School
This year we're asking everyone who has supported BuildWoW over the years (and those who have yet to) to step up and support this community. We want to make our 10th year just as impactful as our previous years and we can only do it with your help.
So go forth and spread the word, set-up fundraisers, and contribute as you've never done before. We can't wait to celebrate with you when we reach the goal of bringing this community a new school!