Become the Best You and Make 2018 Your Greatest Year Ever

Become the Best You and Make 2018 Your Greatest Year Ever

Success. Happiness. Abundance. Fulfillment.

It’s all yours for the taking.

But there’s a catch…

You can’t leave things to chance.

You need to create a solid plan. You need to do the work.

You need to stay open to growth and change.

You need to be resilient and learn from setbacks and failures.

Most importantly, you must consciously acquire skills that will give you the energy, focus and motivation to move toward your goals and dreams, no matter what.

Here are 4 important personal behaviors and practices that will help you become the best you ever so you can make 2018 your greatest year ever.

#1 - Get Productive

If you’re going to create your greatest year ever, you need to become a productivity ninja.

Productivity can be roughly defined as a measure of effectiveness and efficiency.

A highly productive person can create extremely high-quality results with far less effort and time than the average person.

If you study success stories, you’ll notice something important…

Every single person who has ever achieved a significant amount of success is also highly productive.

Even creative types who seemed to lack organizational skills are extraordinarily productive within their zone of genius.

So, trust me on this one…

If there’s a single skill that will take you from where you are to where you want to be in 2018, it’s productivity.

When you become a highly productive individual, you’ll start to create more and more positive impact and momentum in your life …

And you’ll accelerate your journey to success. 

#2 - Get Inspired

Too often we stay locked in our current reality – both in our minds and in our physical environment – and this holds us back from success and happiness.

Creating a life that matters, and doing work that will change the world, is about pushing past the familiar.

It’s about finding inspiration in your life, with out-of-the-ordinary experiences.

You can make this happen in 2018 by consciously committing to an expanded life.

Commit to seeing more of the world. Commit to making new friends. Commit to fresh experiences.

Don’t settle. Open up to different. Embrace unusual. Try something new.

These are the pathways that will bring you the energies of inspiration and creativity.

These are the pathways that will allow you to get past the false boundaries of your limitations…

So you can start to live a bigger, more meaningful life.

#3 - Get Moving

Dream hard. Dream big.

But your dreams will remain nothing more than a far-off fantasy if you don’t follow through with action and implementation.

I can’t emphasize this enough…

You have to take real, physical action if you want to live a successful life.

I’ve seen too many talented, gifted people end up with empty lives because all they did was dream.

My solution? Dream big, then get out your journal or your planner and start building a game plan.

Create action steps that will make that dream a reality.

Then go out and do it.

Dreaming won’t get you to your goals in 2018 but taking focused action on those dreams will.

#4 - Get Connected

Community is one of the most important elements of success.

As more of us work from home and as we spend more time on social media instead of face-to-face conversations…

We become increasingly isolated, insulated and lonely.

We miss out on the strength and support that comes from friends and mentors. We feel disconnected from the world.

We no longer have access to fresh ideas and insights that flow naturally and abundantly within groups and communities.

This is a massive problem.

It will hold you back from feeling valued and loved. It will hold you back from receiving the feedback you need to become the best version of yourself. It will hold you back from enjoying a sense of happiness and connection on your way to success.

Having a caring, supportive community to work with and to rely on is one of the most powerful and effective ways to achieve your goals.

As you step into 2018, look for communities, that are aligned with your values and beliefs. Find groups related to your goals. Then participate actively.

This will accelerate your growth and amplify your success in ways that you can’t imagine right now.

Creating the best life you can live is about taking responsibility.

It’s about creating a vision that inspires you…

And then building a strong inner foundation that will help you bring that vision to life.

When you integrate these 4 personal behaviors and practices into your life, and when you implement them in everything you do…

You’ll look back on 2018 and feel the fulfillment and joy that comes from knowing, that you gave it your best shot …

And you succeeded in creating your greatest year ever.

domanay macagne

secretariat member sa CORDNET COMPUTERS LIMITED

7 年

thank you Ajit. inspiring and very practical start up:)



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