Becha Didn't Know That (dot dot dot)
Co-Founder of Travel Tours & X39 Wellness with R & L Group LLC. Promoting God's Love for Humanity as an Ethical Entrepreneur.
Dear beautiful LinkedIn' connections: Allow me to re-introduce my page:
But first, let us just pretend that is an overdue library book that got lost in a pile of files since most of you--for better or for worse--are working for a micro-managerial maniac-of-a-boss while and teaching your kids from home. (Praying for you.)
However, was created for those who just want to browse freely with no pressure. No one asks for your name or your email or phone number like a typical lead-generation page. We don't roll like that.
Also, no one is going to call you back unless you call us first. If we do not recognize your number, Velma Voicemail will be happy to take your call. Anyone who wants to breathe freely can do looking at for the fact that it keeps being updated while the rest of the world is in travel-snooze mode--please take the liberty to reintroduce yourself during this holiday season while getting cozy-while-in-quarantine while contemplating whether you will be in the "first jab" coronavirus vaccine line-up or not.
#BetterThanDonuts Some of you will see that hashtag more than you desire, but ask yourself just how tired of those "Call us at 1-800-Time4U2Sue" law-firm commercials at every single channel flip?
I rest my case. Time to go HOME. The main entryway. The gate. The book cover. In other words:
First up on the menu:
SURGE 365- SIMPLE TRUTH: Small videos for your viewing pleasure to tease the intellect for those who still have one after we leave 2020 behind. It's designed for multi-taskers who are trapped in the brain freeze loop yet they still have enough free memory space to endure an average of at least two minutes' worth of bite-sized knowledge.
Next: TRUE STORIES ON-DEMAND: This is for people who like it rough, like it raw, and like the smell of money. It's composed of leadership sequels who all happen to be so close to us that we have all of their private mobile numbers. They break down Surge365 in their own sweet way. All have different backgrounds, and one even had a gun stuck in his face when all of his bank tellers "dimed him out" at the one who had access to the vault. (But all of them are only among about 300 other individuals who obtained 7 figure incomes with the same business model.)
Next on the BTD menu: FUNDING BY TRAVEL: For nonprofits that got attached by the funding slasher of "donor fatigue."
What's this!? You're over age 55? Hold on to your IcyHot--FUN FOR SENIORS: This section is for those old enough to know better but just want to get away so they won't get caught by their adult children for wildin' out so they can maintain their sweet persona in their grandchildren's' eyes. Sure those little munchkins are cute, but don't you want2give them back2their parents sometime & feel like a kid again yourself? So keep some of that gift money for a getaway.
(Pssst: Serious team leaders wanted for trips all over the USA in your local area. You don't have to be a travel professional. Just someone with a clean police record who also loves generating group smiles. Keep your mobile oxygen charged up show up Skechers-ready.)
Alas, thou hast ISRAEL AND MORE: For those who desire to walk where Jesus walked without actually taking the final trip to hopefully see Jesus in person.
Health isn't always in a pill bottle or a shoulder jab--IMMUNITY EDUCATION: Get healthy with our video playlist (i.e. #breakingnews rehab.)
Don't go "OOPS" --PASSPORT GUIDE: When they say you can't go home again, maybe it's true! This topic has a pop-out sub-topic for Real-ID. Hopefully this information prevents any embarrassing moments that qualify you to appear on Court-TV.
Enter the small print--PROTECT YOUR TRIP: If you are smart enough to get insurance for your car, dwelling place (which might just be your car) or barely hanging on to life without health insurance...figure it out. Just promise yourself NOT to be like the "Family Guy" guy.
ABOUT THE REEDS: Speaks for itself.
After all of the above, there is always one of those in the category of NONE OF THE ABOVE. So hopefully you will share this article for those who constantly mull over the question of "Can you help me find a cheaper price just for looking."
Here is your FREE VORTEX LOGIN: All I do is share my family's private link. (Why do you do that Reed?)
Well, for all my international brother and sister Sherlocks out there, Vortex is your private free link, from me.
You see everything you look for in one click, with no advertisements or distractions. God knows we've already got enough of that going on (hence the hula dachshund). So before you book based on what you already know, at least allow the Vortex to teach you and your friends something that nobody ever took the time to teach you about...until now. And yes, the Vortex algorithm understands multiple languages and accepts multiple currencies.
Ergo, you get a better price than the yellow suitcase people & the little garden troll, give you at least 85-90 percent of the time, taxes included. And Surge365 pays me 60 percent of what total strangers save without me saying a word.
But that's why exists...and now, I can give the keyboard a break from trying to explain things to people who may not really be in a frame of mind to know if they happen to be stuck on #breakingnews.
P.S. By the way, for those who are serious about earning unlimited thousand-dollar bonuses for a $79 business license one time, maybe it's time for a closer look. Before covid, over 60,000 of those $1,000 bonus checks were earned by folks just like you and yours and me and mine. Even a million dollar bonus has been paid out at least 6 times by the founders of Surge365.
But how will anyone ever know until viewing all of the contents of interest to them at along with the FREEannual $6,000 vacation to over 3,500 locations? No sales are necessary.
Four people (one primary, one secondary & 2 guests over age 18 can be on the Surge365 Travel Owner Package (The TOP membership.)
Grace & Peace my lovelies. Wishing you the safest & happiest of Holidays. Even to those who have lost those close to them. God's not done with you yet. Make a difference in someone else's life.
Cynth'ya "Coach Tough Love" Reed