Because they trust you....
I can't tell you how many times I was able to gain business because the prospects current rep would leave them hanging out to dry, or not pick up the phone...
We always talk about having great relationships with our customers. In a way, I almost think it goes without saying.. Otherwise, why do the buy from us? Instead of preaching to ya'll about getting a customer to be your best friend, I am going to focus on just the "trust" part.
Like most of you, I try find something I can bring to the account on my next visit. I knew if I could bring them a sample the next visit, I had them! Once I started to take of the customer's need, the relationship would develop organically. I didn't press and look for pictures on their desk or ask about the family. That would always come to me. I hardly ever had to dig for that information.
Here is just a quick example I have while I was in the packaging world. I had this client that did business in the dental manufacturing field. We started doing some things together, but it took time to really get the good stuff. One day I asked him about his folding carton items (think of a toothpaste box). He told me I was free to quote, but they were pretty happy with their vendor. He was a personal friend of the owner.
I didn't know where my price was going to land, but I did my due diligence and gave him a reasonable price. I quoted him a $1.20 if I remember correctly. Their vendor was charging $2.59 for the same item... We made sure we were comparing the exact same products and we were.
So not only did I create trust with my client, I created distrust with the supplier they were doing business with.
That's the other side of this. Don't put yourself in a position to create distrust either.. Yes, I ended up with all of the folding carton business!!!