because the roads last turn will be the best...

because the roads last turn will be the best...

…because the roads last turn will be the best.

Success does not always come from one’s ability or genius but the will to GO ON.
Remember Rudyard Kipling in his poem, If: “If you can make one heap of all your winnings and toss… and start again… then, you are the man my son.”
POETS, WRITERS and all great people have given us so many inspiring words. They have told us to go on for their is the best yet, waiting for us. There are quotations like ‘When the road gets tough, the tough get going’ or ‘In difficult times, keep believing in yourself. I remember, there's this Hindi song which says ‘Ruk jana nahin tu kjahim haar ke…’
But then can such words really motivate us? For who is not shaken by failures? Can failures or set-backs stop really hurting us? Is there a way out'?

Dear Friends, in my opinion we are shaken by failures because we see them as the end of the road. From our childhood we have been conditioned that because somebody wins we lose, we lose because we were not capable, because somebody does not like us, or because luck does not favor us. We have been told right from our childhood that then; are only two sides - you win or you lose, There is no win-win situation. So to be a winner you have to be surrounded by losers, to be at the top you have to have people who are below you. Depression takes us in his arms and we prefer to stay there instead of fighting with it and setting ourselves free. We then are caught in a failure trap.

I know it's difficult to agree with the win-win situation because how can two people win at the same time. But friends’ life is not an artificial game where only one has to be a winner.

In real life all of us all of us can actually afford to be winners. In today’s article I am sharing small tips-rather a few P’s which can help us to build something good and feel that smile on your winning attitude.

Positive perception of yourself: Appreciate yourself when you see the mirror. Why can’t you say, “Oh I look beautiful”. How can you expect others to like you or admire you if you cannot like yourself? Just a small observation- sometimes when we are at the top of the world and we look at ourselves in the mirror we generally feel that we are beautiful. And sometimes when we are not so happy we suddenly see a not so good looking person staring us back from the mirror. Also sometimes when we wear a better dress we feel that our feet automatically jump. So do keep your best dress for someday-wear it today, love your self, pamper your self at times, wear a good perfume and I am sure that some difference shall be experienced by you.

Positive visualization: Visualize good, the best and the, best will come to you. Think something good and feel that smile on your face. Make that day dreaming constructive think that one day you will be a great man-ager-people coming to you for help, or that you will be rich and drive a Maruti and sing “Kal ankho me thi aaj haathom mein hai mera sapna merit Maruti”. Make a wish list, give specific dates to it for e.g. I wish that I have ----position by so and so date. Keep reading it daily, keep believing in it and take my words-your wish shall come true. Now that does not mean you wish for a Taj Mahal- have real time wishes.

Persistence: Success does not always come from one’s ability or genius but the will to GO ON. Remember the rabbit and the tortoise. Rudyard Kipling in one of his poems says, “If you can make one heap of all your winnings and toss.. and start again… then, you are the man my son.”

Patience: I read a quote somewhere “ God Give Me Patience; But Fast”. Well that was on the lighter side. Patience is the one of the most difficult qualities to have when the times are hard. But then during hard times do we have an option? If we are not patient; then things may never improve-but they certainly will become worse. When there is a storm outside, then there is no point in being impatient; one has to wait till it passes.

Prayer: Whether in good times or in bad times never forget Him and talk to him through your prayers. Remember one who can kneel down to him can stand up against anything. “Prayer may not change things for you, but it sure changes you for things.” And thus we become stronger individuals to face all the challenges of life.

While I conclude I will quote a few lines from HV Dyke-
Let me but live my life from year to year,
With forward face and unreluctant soul;
Not hurrying to, nor turning from, the goal;
Not mourning for the things that disappear
In the dim past, nor holding back in fear
From what the future veils; but with a whole
And happy heart, that pays its toll
To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.
So let the way wind up the hill or down,
O'er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy:
Still seeking what I sought when but a boy,
New friendship, high adventure, and a crown,
My heart will keep the courage of the quest,
And hope the road's last turn will be the best.


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