Because PR isn’t just PR anymore.

Because PR isn’t just PR anymore.

PR, Public Relations is nothing more than care for good public relations, through actions for the image in relation to individuals or organizations. PR activities are responsible for building relations with clients. Marketing campaigns, communication strategies, organizing press conferences are traditional PR activities still used in companies with long tradition, however are they sufficient? PR has evolved with the beginning of the digital age which is based on the digital communications and sharing methods.  

What is digital PR? 

In the age of digitization, brands must act as media companies and PR must provide channels for broadcasting content. Today people are turning to social media, which means that you need to be up to date with new technologies, to keep up with current trends. Telephoning is obsolete. Today’s marketing focuses on attracting recipients by providing content, using artificial intelligence. Thanks to her we become more efficient. Automation has taken over time-consuming tasks, so that PR specialists can focus on consulting and analyzing companies to help then grow.    

Broadcast has a new form. It’s not only the form of advertising but also information channels about the company. They are a form of rapport on what is happening in the company so that customers feel like a part of the crew.  

PR must be fast, agile and flexible. It's a 24-hour news cycle that never ends. Content about the company should be on the client’s mouth when he goes to sleep. New ones should appear before he gets up, so that he can share them with friends by spreading the word about Brand.  

Show that you care.  

How to stand out from millions? If you want to stand out and promote your business, you must prove to your clients that they are important to you and that you care for them. That this is not just about profit. Modern PR requires openness and honesty. All it takes is one false statement, and you can be sure that your employees will post a corrigendum, and Internauts unflattering comments.  

Brak alternatywnego tekstu dla tego zdj?cia

The power of global social media has turned the world into a small town and we always know what is happening behind the fence in the neighborhood. Social media gave voice to consumers, to the same consumers who create news by sending stories to TV stations and news programs. Sometimes a comment turns into a main story. This is how modern information transmission looks like. Visual content is one of the best ways to attract attention to the content. In the picture is a monkey holding a red umbrella. Brings attention, right? 

The organizations are under increasing pressure to achieve effective digital transformation while focusing on the customer experience and maintaining data protection. These challenges should be met when necessary however you need to prepare in advance adapting to personalized experiences and constantly changing rules of the game.  


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