Because it's there...
The Mountain, from

Because it's there...

This is the legend that people quote when asked why people climb mountains like this.

I hear what I call Mount Everest goals every week in business. Lots of people say, "I want to climb Mount Everest". That is a BHAG. (Big Hairy Aggressive Goal). Google BHAG and look at the images (you know you did). You will see lot's of mountains. Makes sense. But you don't go from the BHAG at the bar to 29,032 feet in a few weeks.

What steps does it take to make it to the top?

  1. Strategy-do you have a plan? A strategy is a plan to achieve a long-term goal under conditions of uncertainty. What scares people about having a strategy? Visions of long workshops and meetings to create binderware that no one will ever use again. What can be done to improve the strategy process? First off, 3–5-year strategies are no longer realistic. The strategy planning horizon is much shorter, say a year to eighteen months. That means you have to be lean. You also have to understand how your strategy relates to your business processes; your products and services and what risks are out there. Your strategy must also align to your capabilities and set priorities for your future actions. As you develop your strategy for the climb, you will assess your abilities (physical fitness, climbing skills) and what processes you will use (training, tour planning, equipment purchases) to develop your timeline and efforts of your journey.
  2. Operations-Now it's time to put that plan into practice. What methods are out there to help you plan and execute your journey? How will you run your day-to-day business? What will your journey look like? Where could roadblocks occur? What does your roadmap look like and how can you improve on your current capabilities? To get ready for the climb, you will need to get in shape, purchase the right equipment, plan your trip and be prepared to deal with setbacks.
  3. Execution-It's time to start the journey. How do you start to prioritize all the things you will have to do and develop and execute a plan that will create lasting changes? What will it cost you? You must start the work, go hard, measure progress and adjust accordingly. You are in excellent shape, purchased your gear and have trained on some lesser mountains. You are ready for the big one!
  4. Control-You have made great progress. You can assess yourself against your baseline state and others. You will now engage with your tour planner who has standards and processes to keep you safe. Their process controls have shown repeatability. The sherpas and guides are there to protect you. While this is still a dangerous endeavor, you have planned and executed your strategy to get to this point.
  5. Value and Transformation-You have made it to the top! You have realized your ultimate goal. Your planning and execution mean you have met your goal aligned to your capabilities and you also have a plan to get down. You have not only climbed Mount Everest, but also climbed the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW) pyramid.

DIKW Pyramid

We have reviewed how to turn a BHAG into reality using this value chain to climb the metaphorical mountain and the DIKW pyramid. Hopefully you enjoyed the journey!

#DataValueChain #DataManagement #DataStrategy #DataOps


Mark Cichonski, SSMBB, PMP, PgMP的更多文章

