I’m a feminist, and a man.
The original aim of International Women’s Day (IWD) was to achieve full gender equality for women – which has yet to be realised. A gender pay gap persists across the globe and women are still not present in equal numbers in business or politics. Figures show that globally, women’s education, health and violence towards women is still worse than that of men.
According to the World Economic Forum, the gender gap will not close until 2186! For those doing the math, that’s 169 years away. That is simply outrageous and we should all be angry about that.
Business, Political and Community Leaders all need to work together to stop the uneven treatment of 50% of the population.
But change starts with me. It starts with the messages and confidence I provide my daughter. It starts by speaking out every time I see inequality in the workplace, stereotypes being used as humour and what I now do as a business owner myself.
But on this day, whereby we celebrate the achievements of women across all areas of life, I asked women I know and admire for their views of IWD, and this is what I share with you today.
I would like to thank my mum (Athena), my sisters (Dora and Georgia), my wife (Maria) and my wonderful daughter (Ava) for being the strong women you are. Whether you know it or not, you have all shaped me into the person I am today and continue to inspire me to be better.
Finally, thanks for Maria, Jen, Carolyn, Ann and Chloe for sharing their views. Its much appreciated.
If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain.
Maya Angelou
Maria Stavrakis (Creative Director & Brand Strategist), Made You Look & The Reflective (Melbourne)
Who is your biggest influence?
My daughter, husband, family. My support team of women I have the privilege to be connected to (friends, health, coach, financial) and are able to call upon when I need advice, support or someone to listen.
What do you think is the biggest issue facing women today?
Balancing career with family life. Pay equality and equal opportunities. Judgement for not fitting a mould (from men and other women)
Who are your ideal female icons?
Oprah – she always aims for excellence in everything she does. And always operates from her purpose.
Do you think there is equality between men and women in the workplace?
No there are old perceptions of women and men that still exist but there is hope as both genders are challenging these outdated stereotypes. Many workplaces have not caught up in allowing the conversations, the space or flexibility to support both men and women to be able to contribute and do great work.
Do you think it's important to have international women's day?
Yes, because it celebrates womens achievements as well as continuing the conversation on topics such as gender equality.
How do you feel about the way women are represented in the media, film and pop culture? Can you see yourself in any of them?
Women in pop culture are mostly sexualised. There’s a long way to go. Most female roles are still supporting, but there are some breakthrough roles. Televising the WAFL has been positive and a good way forward.
What do you consider to be female attributes?
Being human (sometimes this is seen as being soft and perceived as a weakness). Create connections, Empathy, Strong, Get things done, Resilient, Nurturing
If you could pick a woman from any culture to talk too, who would that be?
South pacific islanders –they focus on gratitude, see the positive any situation, they appreciate and honour their culture, history and treat others with respect. They are also strong women not to be taken advantage of and command respect.
Have you found it challenging to grow your career in your field of expertise?
Yes. When being interviewed for roles, apart from assessing my work the range of comments I received were ‘ you’ve been, married for a few years so you will probably want to go off and have babies soon which means you would want maternity leave’, ‘one of the reasons you are being considered is because you are female and we have a team of all males so it would be nice to have a female in the team’, ‘we hired you because you had cool hair’, etc. Seemed like the initial reasons apart from checking as a standard that my work was good was that I needed to fit into a certain perception or criteria. So I decided to start my own business where I had control.
What advice would you give your younger self based on what you know today?
Believe in yourself. Its ok to fit outside the mould, go for it you have nothing to lose, back yourself, learn from others, ask for help, people are always happy to help, keep learning, share with others, find a mentor, be a mentor, pay it forward, take a risk, its ok to be confident and strong. Don’t let others dull your light.
Jen Rufati (General Manager, Customer Service & Operations), TAL (Sydney)
Who is your biggest influence?
Obviously my mum, but then some very strong women leaders who challenged you, backed you and gave you opportunities
What do you think is the biggest issue facing women today?
Confidence. We need to back ourselves more
Do you think there is equality between men and women in your workplace?
I have been very lucky, that the organisations I have worked for have driven the equality agenda
Do you think it's important to have international women's day?
Yes as it raises awareness.
How do you feel about the way women are represented in the media, film and pop culture? Can you see yourself in any of them?
It’s often that they have to appear ‘perfect’ all the time… its’ just not the same for men
What do you consider to be female attributes?
Too many to list
If you could pick a women from any culture to talk too, who would that be?
Indira Ghandi
Have you found it challenging to grow your career in your field of expertise?
No, given I have had great sponsors and leaders
What advice would you give your younger self based on what you know today?
Back yourself and take more risks
Caroline Inglese (Technical Recruiter), Prime Team Partners (Seattle, USA)
Who is your biggest influence?
I would have to say several people: My partner, parents and close family and friends.
What do you think is the biggest issue facing women today?
I think some women do use the fact that they are a woman as a weakness. Step up and be accountable for yourself.
Who are your ideal female icons?
Every woman I surround myself with!
Do you think there is equality between men and women in your workplace?
In my personal work space and PTP – Absolutely!
Do you think it's important to have international women's day?
Can I be completely honest? I honestly don’t mind either way.
How do you feel about the way women are represented in the media, film and pop culture? Can you see yourself in any of them?
I think there is a mix of how women are portrayed. Men as well. We all want to have this idea of how someone would see us – So I hope that how I see myself, others do as well.
What do you consider to be female attributes?
Motherly nature – wanting to look after others. Empathy.
If you could pick a women from any culture to talk too, who would that be?
It will always be my mum and sister
Have you found it challenging to grow your career in your field of expertise?
Not to date. I work hard, have a good work ethic and always try. I don’t think sex comes into at all.
What advice would you give your younger self based on what you know today?
Always try and don’t put so much pressure on yourself.
Chloe Carr (Area Manager), Regus (Melbourne)
Who is your biggest influence?
My parents, they have both completely shaped the person I am today. My Dad has taught me to be honest, resilient & hard-working even in difficult times and my Mum has taught me to be empathetic and understanding of people from all walks of life, she reminds me to be proud of the person I am.
What do you think is the biggest issue facing women today?
I think women are under pressure to look a certain way in the work place. I feel as though there is an expectation that if women want to be successful we need to wear makeup and high heels but perhaps we put that expectation on ourselves as we feel as though we need to overcompensate in order to be taken seriously or perceived as ‘powerful’. I think that women need to work harder in order to gain respect from colleagues, management, employees and customers and that in the corporate world some men feel as though they can get away with speaking to us in a way that they would not consider doing if they were talking to another man in the workplace.
Who are your ideal female icons?
Julia Zemiro. I saw Julia in ‘Agony Aunts’ which is where a narrator/interviewer searches for answers on all aspects of life and Julia Zemiro was interviewed for this series. I found her to be a perfect combination of a strong, powerful woman while also being kind and warm hearted.
Do you think there is equality between men and women in the workplace?
Not at all, I still believe there is a very long way to go before we can achieve equality in the workplace. Not only for women, I feel there are things that men are discriminated against as well. Women are still not receiving equal pay and we have a low percentage of women in senior management positions. Men also experience discrimination when it comes to family & caring responsibilities.
Do you think it's important to have international women's day?
I think it is important to have International Women’s Day to create awareness while it is a prevalent issue in our society however it is more important to educate men and women from an early age on equality in general. We should fight for gender’s to become so equal that there is no need for a ‘women’s day’ in particular.
How do you feel about the way women are represented in the media, film and pop culture? Can you see yourself in any of them?
I think more and more we are seeing more women in media & film that represent who we are today. I feel really happy to see strong, resilient, independent women in movies and generally speaking I feel they represent us well.
What do you consider to be female attributes?
Resilient, nurturing, empathetic, kind, hard-working.
If you could pick a woman from any culture to talk too, who would that be?
Frida Kahlo!
Have you found it challenging to grow your career in your field of expertise?
I have been lucky to excel relatively quickly in my field of expertise however I do strongly feel as though I had to fight a lot harder to prove my worth and justify why I deserve to be in a management position.
What advice would you give your younger self based on what you know today?
The struggles you face as a woman in the corporate world is not just age based like you thought it was, you will continue to struggle with this throughout your career. However, knowledge is power and people cannot argue with facts. Know your stuff, do your research and you will be fine. Keep goals in sight and stay focused, don’t let others distract you by trying to cause self-doubt. Also, stop putting so much pressure on yourself to be perfect – making mistakes are fine, remember you are human and it is okay to take some time off too!
Ann Watson, (Professional Coach & Business Mentor) B There & Entrepreneur Whisperer (Melbourne)
Who is your biggest influence?
Capable men and women who have found purpose in their life and live up to their principles. They are everywhere and are unlikely to tell you how good they are because they are busy living!
What do you think is the biggest issue facing women today?
I think the biggest issue for women is respect and equality. Both men and women need to be able to value quality in others and offer respect. In Australia women have a great deal of freedom to self-determine their lives but the vast majority of women around the world are denied this privilege. We need more education, less fear and more people leading by example. It is equally important that men be treated respectfully by women and not left unsupported.
Who are your ideal female icons?
Brene Brown , Prof Fiona Wood, (women who think and do!)
Do you think there is equality between men and women in your workplace?
Not yet, there is still a primal under current to prefer men as leaders. Men have a tendency to be protective and focused and the way our corporations and businesses are structured which favours this male attribute. We also have the problem of young couple rearing children. One of the couple will have to reduce hours worked. Business still not working with this phase of life very well. I also believe a great many men are suppressed in the workplace. If we worked on respect for quality then a lot of the inequities would reduce. There is also the basic fact that some people are just more capable than others – this is not gender related
Do you think it's important to have international women's day?
While I am not active in my support I do think it is important to have International Women’s Day. Particularly to highlight capable women who are role models for younger women. Maturity takes decades for everyone, male and female alike. You can’t set a path if you have no idea where you are going.
How do you feel about the way women are represented in the media, film and pop culture? Can you see yourself in any of them?
Women are represented in a range of different ways most of which are normal. What disappoints me is when women undergo ridiculous procedures to present images they believe will make them more attractive and accepted
What do you consider to be female attributes?
A tendency to be more socially aware, nurturing, team play, use their intuition more
If you could pick a women from any culture to talk too, who would that be?
Lowitja O’Donoghue
Have you found it challenging to grow your career in your field of expertise?
The challenge that may have affected my career because of gender has been my desire to do it all, be the nurturing mother, daughter and business coach. Never enough time. I have set up expectations of being hands on, which I do enjoy but this has an aspect of fulfilling my feminine role.
What advice would you give your younger self based on what you know today?
Work hard in your 20s, get as much experience as you can. Sort for purpose and meaning in your 30s. Live with accountability to your purpose and vision from 40s till the end ! Take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. Take risks and keep pushing your comfort zone out. Always look for the positive – it is always there. Don’t spend time with negative people or energy cannibals. Be respectful – don’t let awareness turn to judgement