beBee is for all kinds of professionals.
What is the fundamental objective of #bebee social network and what kind of users is it intended for?
beBee is for all kinds of professionals. beBee is presented as a personal branding platform. The network was created as a tool for people to show and spread their personal brand, and thus promote themselves to recruiters, clients, and other media in their respective industries. beBee allows users to create a network of contacts based on common personal and professional interests, integrating the personal, not the private, and the professional in one place.
What is the problem being solved by beBee?
Could we solve it differently if it doesn't exist?
Did you know that the content you publish on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter is only shown to a small part of your followers? (less than 10%). That is, it is possible that the content you share on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, is only seen by your most active or unconditional followers. The algorithms that all the major known networks have included as a filter solution for low-quality content, make your content not be seen by all your followers. That is, when you make a publication on Facebook a few of your followers will see it, when you write on Linkedin, a small set of your followers will read it.
beBee works differently. There are no artificial algorithms that reduce the distribution of your content so that your followers will always see it. beBee has other tools so that your wall is not saturated. Also, your beBee followers received a notification every time you share content and write an article on the Producer blogging platform.
At beBee, as he said, you always reach 100% of your followers. Thanks to the beBee Hives system, you will attract more followers if the content you share is of quality. However, you will lose followers if you share low-quality content.
Update on worldwide startup ranking - Read more on my blog (326 000 readers last quarter)
A Unique Digital Ecosystem
Its the unique digital ecosystem where you will find real mind-alike people you could eventually become friends with after a while and have a long-term and loyal relationships with.
Let's mention it is the only Social Network where you can engage with its CEO: Javier beBee, he is always around and drops by when his schedule allows it, to share, congratulate and discuss with any of us here.
Bebee is also the land of opportunities, for your career, your business if you act as a decent brand marketer with added value inputs instead of flooding the platform with SPAM and direct unwanted message.
It (beBee) allowed us and some friends to create initiatives from discussion groups and transform them into technologies and flourishing businesses.
About Stephane J.metral | Bebee Innovative Brand Ambassador
more than 30+ years of experience on almost all continents Americas | Europe | Asia ( sorry... not Africa).
Innovative Brand ambassador on Bebee, Startups mentor, Cloud solutions architect. co-founder of #MybebeeTV, #Digital Project, #Digital Twins Workshops, Multimedia Producer and Software co-Author, Autodesk startup program 2016-2021. French, English, Spanish writer delivering the technologies, the secret methods and masterclasses for:
Masterclass "Write and publish a business Book".
Unique #masterclasses with online collaborative solutions to monetize your special skillset for second stream revenues to catch up with the economic mess the #covid19impacts created to your assets, your values, and your environment #onlineclassroom. #writersworkshop
Planning to launch a multimedia authoring & publishing business? learn the ropes of #selfpublishing and #ecommerce2020 , grab your seat for only 149,99$, get started, use #onlinesolutions and #monetize your talents.
Since the recession started it is most unlikely that #jobs will flourish around everyone.
Member of Camara Internacional da Indústria de Transportes (CIT) at The International Transportation Industry Chamber
4 年Thank you for sharing here Stephane M.. I have enjoyed & continue to network with all my beBee contacts. I love to support beBee and all members as I do with LinkedIn contacts in all my outside meetings on 5 non-profit Boards. KUDOS TO Javier CR?? Juan Imaz, for a wonderful platform here!