Beauty in Solidarity and Sebrae: creating paths to professionalize those who need it most
Presidente Inoar Brasil, Presidente Inoar Europa, Chief Marketing Officer - CMO, Cria??o e Desenvolvimento. Fundadora Beleza Solidária. Presidente da OMFE - Organiza??o Mundial de Empreendedorismo.
The Beauty in Solidarity project was born from my beliefs that well-done entrepreneurship transforms lives. I know the path is not easy, as I myself had to learn many of the lessons that I share here.
When we started to grow, what made the most sense to me was to give back to the community the best I had in my luggage. And today, entrepreneurship and the maintenance of small businesses are fundamental in the lives of so many people. But it is necessary to empower!
The beauty and aesthetics market is one of the fastest growing in Brazil. With the pandemic, the segment that was already fierce before, had a growth of 122%, in 2020. And with the relaxation of the more restrictive measures of quarantine, only in the month of August, of the same year, there was an increase of 287%.
As an entrepreneur and based on all my experience in the beauty market for years, I identified a great opportunity to train people who want to undertake in this segment, as well as those who already work, but feel the need to improve their knowledge.
Having the Beauty in Solidarity project as a means of facilitating these initiatives, I started thinking about partnerships that could provide this need quickly and free of charge, having as a premise my entrepreneurial vein with the analysis of the current market.
It is at this moment that Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Businesses) enters, which presented us with its work model to make this partnership viable together, which is, without a doubt, very important and significant to me.
Courses born from this partnership are arriving in Assis, totally free of charge. There will be six technical courses available in face-to-face format with a limit of students, in compliance with the safety protocols required by the Ministry of Health. In addition, we will have a schedule of classes, which runs from August to December of this year, which will be supervised by the historian and teacher Carolina Tedesque.
The courses will be held at the headquarters of the Beauty in Solidarity project - Elza Brazil do Nascimento Memorial and Training Center -, named after my mother, in a house I rebuilt in Assis.
The following courses will be offered:
● Marketing and Finance Management (at the end of each course)
● Eyelash Lengthening
● Nail Lengthening
● Waxing
● Eyebrow Design
● Gel Enameling
● Artistic Nails
At each final stage of the chosen technical course, the enrolled student will have the module on Marketing and Finance Management, which focuses on assisting in the strategic planning of the business, as well as managing expenses, profits, investments, etc.
Students who comply with the workload will receive a certificate from Sebrae. However, it is worth remembering that places are limited, especially to comply with sanitary protocols.
This partnership with Sebrae comes as a strong ally, as the entity is highly qualified and recognized for its innovative and pioneering profile when it comes to entrepreneurship. In addition to having many support projects in different regions of the country, it always brings quick solutions, which directly and positively impact people's daily lives.
My role here, as a social project, is to support people who need extra strength, offering them accessibility, qualification and professionalization in the face of the critical scenario we are experiencing.
These actions of the Beauty in Solidarity Project are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the Global Compact of the United Nations (UN):
SDG 1: Eradication of poverty in socially disadvantaged areas
SDG 3: Ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all, at all ages
SDG 4: Ensure inclusive, equitable and quality education and provide lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
SDG 10: Reduce income inequality within and between countries
SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
At Inoar and at the Beauty in Solidarity project, we believe in the transforming power of knowledge. Knowledge, study and culture are the real currencies of the world.
To learn more about Beauty in Solidarity and Sebrae courses, access the channels:
Address: Rua Jo?o Flauzino Pereira, no 180
Vila S?o Cristóv?o – Assis – SP – Brazil
Phone: (18) 3323 2891
E-mail: [email protected]