Beauty in Motion!

Beauty in Motion!


To some it may not look pretty, but to me, it is Beauty in Motion!

Recently, I had the privilege of meeting with one of our clients, ‘Durlston Partners’ in London. Upon arriving, it was just before 3pm, I was met with an energy that was euphoric. People were standing at their desk, busy making calls or sending emails, others were seated, and were (what seemed to be) focusing on writing reports, but you could see they were deep in thought.

?Then, suddenly, at 3 pm precisely, everyone, other than my host, simply stopped work, grabbed their mobiles and some their coats, but on mass, they simply just ‘left the building!’

?My Hostess, noticing my look of confusion, informed me, what I was witnessing is something every staff member does not once, but twice a day. At 10 am and 3 pm, they, ‘get up, break from work, and go and take a walk around the block’.

?You see, ‘Durlston Partners’, are experts in talent advisory and delivery for the growing global technology, quantitative finance, and data-science communities, which requires their employees to be always mentally sharp and on the ball. To achieve this aim, not only have they joined the?#keepmoving?Workplace Revolution’, but they have also embraced it with a vigour and energy not seen in many other offices.

?Every member of staff has their own?Yo-Yo DESK? PRO 2?and has a selection of?Anti-Fatigue mats?to choose from. They understand that being able to choose different ways of working depending upon the task at hand not only improves productivity, but also wellness. They have also found that taking these breaks, by walking (up and down 2 flights of stairs as well), helps deliver improvements in physical and mental energy which boosts both their wellness and productivity, helping them get through what are often ‘lag times’ during a working day, plus keeping them physically and mentally ‘sharp’.

?So, though this might not be the aesthetically perfect photo, for me, its beauty is in the adaption and application of a company that simply understands and lives the?Benefits of Active Working, and simply, ‘Keep Moving’

Waren Fitzpatrick

Sales Director

T:?+44 (0)1793 575 082

M:?+44 (0)7944 565 721

E:??[email protected]


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