Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder
Sidra Ahmad
SEO Content Writer & AI Content Expert | Social Media Content Writer | Food Blog Enthusiast | Creating Engaging Blogs, Articles, Optimized Web Copy, and Guest Posts That Rank
It is among the most widely known proverbs about adoring and appreciating nature. Observing is not the same as seeing. It denotes reflection or scrutiny. When we pay attention to anything, awe begins to emerge within us. Despite the fact that we see tens of thousands of them, we rarely get to appreciate them more than that. We see this because we pay close attention.
The act of looking produces the perception of beauty. Everybody sees beauty from a different angle. Beauty can be experienced by some people, while it may just be seen by others. To me, beauty lies within oneself. For me, beauty has more to do with knowledge, confidence, kindness, happiness, and dignity than it does with outward looks. People’s outward appearances may change with time, but characters never do. Appearances can be deceiving. Beauty can sometimes be experienced through the heart and does not always require visual perception. Character wins the heart, while beauty draws the eye.
Don’t judge a book by its cover, as the adage goes. means that you don’t even enjoy spending time with someone who isn’t nice, regardless of how handsome they are.
Similar to this, there is beauty all around us. When we look closely at the natural world, we are amazed and delighted by the beauty that exists there. Even in some of the things we overlook, there is an opportunity to find beauty. In order to see the beauty in everything around you and to constantly have cheerful eyes, one must have a clear mind, a good heart, and a positive outlook on everything. Thus, it is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Realizing that you are the beholder is the most liberating and inspirational aspect of this lovely saying. It’s because of this that we are able to find beauty in things, words, and even places around us that other people haven’t yet noticed but still have beauty. This affects what you have seen versus what others haven’t yet seen.