The Beauty in Different Perspectives and Truths
IJburg, Amsterdam, April 9th 2020

The Beauty in Different Perspectives and Truths

I had a conversation today with a good friend from Sao Paulo, Brazil. She expressed feedback about me sharing beautiful pictures of natural settings on social media during the current times of the Corona virus. She shared that people could perceive it badly and be triggered; even get mad at me since they are locked down in their apartments and fear going outside.

Her words were; if I lived in Brazil right now, my friends would either block or remove me from their contact list on Instagram because they would be mad at me. The reason for that is that people are locked down in their homes in Brazil during these times of the Corona virus. Partially at least since the president shows a different direction, which divides the country. Far more topics emerged, concerning the huge gap between rich and poor, the difficulties of clean water accessibility in the favelas, food scarcity and the lacking health system.

My first reaction I felt when she addressed that topic was “jeez, am I really having that affect? I don’t want to piss anybody off.” And at the same time, I felt like that I do not have to take care of anybody in what I share or not share. I literally thought; I spent so much time in my life doing that, getting lost between holding back or not holding back and double guessing how people would receive it. In those moments, those thoughts came back, and then I took a breath and reminded myself who I am and why I am on this earth.

I feel like I cannot control how people feel in this very moment and how they view life at this time, so I do what feels right to me. How I see my Instagram stories is about honoring the beauty of nature and our world and to give it attention by sharing it. Especially in this moment of time.

Would I have posted that when I would be locked down in downtown Sao Paulo, in the middle of the concrete jungle with its 20 million people, a president who acts out of a value system that could not be more far away from a holistic 2020 approach? – Probably not.

Why? Because it is a different context that I am confronted with on daily basis. Since I grew up in Europe, I have a lot of European connections on Instagram; a lot of content I see is from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, where it is allowed to go outside for a walk during these times, where other rules and regulations apply. Same global challenge, different approach in a different context.

This is happening to us all the time, not just on different continents. This is happening to us in our relationships with our families, partner, best friends, colleagues, the salesperson at the store, the bartender, the policeman, the subway driver... this is happening in every human interaction we are having, all the time. We live in our own truth bubble based on a certain value systems, created on beliefs and information we have been infused with our whole lives.

That exact thing brings so much opportunity. The magic happens when we expand our perspective in letting new information in. We start understanding each other and growing together and developing further. Our awareness and consciousness level increases and we start to see the complexity of our world and start to see possible solutions to solve complex questions. In for example to bring self-love, self-awareness, self-accountability into an organizational context to turn the powerful forces of our times in channels for a positive change. The transformation starting from the single cells in an organization, in a system, the individual, you and me.

...and that’s what happened after 10 minutes of our conversation. My wonderful friend from Brazil and I connected on the purpose we share and transformed our energy into creating and making one of our dreams come true how we want to contribute to our society. Together from two different continents using our skills and talents to create bridges and connection in expanding our truths with new information. It all comes down to us as individuals. If we choose to only see our truth and are not open for information, it will be tough to create positive change. But imagine if we are all open for information and we receive it without judgement, we would rise hand in hand, create long-lasting beauty together and act as a tool of consciousness in a higher purpose.

Love. Connect. Expand. Create.



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