Beauty and Chaos
Vincent Njeru
Professional Academic Research & SEO Writer Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: +44 7365 848007
Have you ever taken a moment to take it all in? I mean your existence, the beauty of the world, and the chaos that juxtaposes it? Well, I recently did, and I think the conclusion I made is what our lives come down to in the end. We live such busy lives that we never take a moment to think about what it means to be alive. To notice the beauty of the world and be awed at the magnificence of the natural order of things. But when you take the time to take in all this beauty, you are left wondering how such beauty could be accompanied by so much chaos. You are left wondering who or what is responsible for all of this.?
I was seated somewhere recently, and at this moment, I did not think about anything else apart from what was in front of me. I did not think about my career, what I want?to do in the future, my friends, my family, myself, or anything else. I thought about what I could see in that moment, and believe me, this was the most beautiful view I have ever had since I could see. It was more beautiful than any waterfalls I have chased or any forest I have hiked. At that moment, I wished I had a powerful camera to record what I called a cinematic view. It was cinema but not the kind you would think of. It was nature in its most beautiful form.
I know at this point you are?wondering what it is about nature that I saw that was so beautiful and thought-provoking. Well, here is the story. I was seated with my friend somewhere, resting our backs on the wall,?and we?saw some pigeons a few meters in front of us. I explained to him how I watched a YouTube video of how Egyptians rare these tiny birds and eat in their thousands every day. As we were discussing the pigeons, we saw a murder of crows hovering over the sky just some meters further. (Did you know a group of crows is called a murder? I didn't. The name befits them as they are always a sign of death). When we saw this murder of crows, we thought to ourselves that there must be a dead animal in the mash below. We could not see it, but the crows must have been feasting because, in a matter of minutes, there were probably 100 crows hovering in the sky. As the crows gathered, they drew attention to other birds. Hawks started flying in from all directions, and this added to the frenzy. As they flew in, they made high-pitched, piercing screams, which are?often described as a "kee-eeeee-arr" sound. These sounds attracted more hawks and even more species of birds that we could not identify. In a matter of minutes, the place was crowded by hundreds of birds. I had not seen such a large congregation of birds before. As the chaos brewed, the pigeons flew away; they couldn't handle the heat. Of all the birds present, the hawks impressed me most. One flew right above us, and we could see it spread its wings and soar away in the most cinematic fashion you would ever see a bird fly.
We could not help but admire how free these birds were. They could fly to any destination they wanted in a matter of minutes without any form of control holding them back. Unlike us humans, who require pieces of paper to cross imaginary lines we created ourselves, these birds could be anywhere they wanted at any moment. To me, I think that is true freedom. Freedom to do as you please, to be anywhere you want, whenever you want. I may be overlooking some form of control that may hold these birds back, but in that moment, all I wanted to be was a bird.?
The birds were not the only things we found awe-inspiring. In the backdrop, this is where the epiphany was. As we were watching those birds, I realized that we were missing the most beautiful view ever: the clouds and the sky. I have seen clouds and the sky every day since I could see, but on this day, I do not know what made them so beautiful. The cumulus clouds in all their white glory and the sky with its contrasting blue color left us wondering who was responsible for all this beauty. Seven years ago, I thought deeply for months on end about the concept of god, and I concluded that we have all been lied to since birth. I concluded there is no way gods exist, and I labeled myself an atheist. An atheist is "a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods". After turning to atheism, I learned the scientific theories of the origins of life, predominantly the Big Bang Theory. This theory describes the rapid expansion of the universe from an extremely hot, dense state around 13.8 billion years ago. At that moment, looking at those birds, the clouds, and the sky, I saw the work of an intelligent designer. There is no way all this beauty could be a result of chance. We thought to ourselves that someone or something superior to humankind was responsible.
Don't get me wrong, I did not start believing in God or gods because of this thought-provoking experience. I still think the concept of gods is a means for human beings to find meaning in the beauty and chaos of the world and the finality of it all. My friend and I were not the first people to wonder who was responsible for the universe. Millions or even billions of men have come before us and have had similar thoughts, and since, just like us, we could not determine who the culprit is, they came up with stories to try and understand their existence. You see, these stories people tell themselves, tell each other, tell their children about the origins of the world and the universe are important. They provide a sense of order and prevent us from degenerating into chaos. Imagine living in a world where people know that they would not be punished for anything they did. What could the world be like? There is already too much chaos, evil, hatred, murder, etc., today, so what would it be like if there was not this idea that one is being watched by a man in the skies who will punish you with eternal hellfire if you do not do as he commands? There would be too much chaos for me to handle. Besides, people fear death, and due to this fear, they use religion and the stories they tell to understand the finality of life. This is understandable. Who would not fear the abyss of no return? A place where you can go at any time without your will, you do not know where you will go, and when you go, you will never return? From this fear, people conjured up stories of places where they would eat and drink as they sang to their master till eternity, and they called this place heaven. The Vikings believed that when they died, they would go to Valhalla and meet and feast with their god, Odin. But something I admire about the Vikings, or the films I have watched about them, is that they never feared death. They knew it was inevitable, and they accepted it. However hard, this is how we should face death. We should view it as part of life and not fear it but embrace it.
As we were still seated with my friend beside that wall, we realized the finality of death. Billions of men and women have come before us, and now they are dead. It was at this moment that I said, "Lawrence, we are f*cked. There is only one way out, and the only thing that matters is how you go". And since we are f*cked, what then do we do about it? And here I say, what is life but the pursuit of legacy? You may die, but your legacy will live on, and as long as your legacy lives, you live. I once read a quote somewhere that says, "You will live as long as the last man remembers you." As long as you are remembered, you will never truly die, so go for glory, go for greatness, go for legacy. Remember, there is only one way out, and the only thing that matters is the way you go. How will you go? Will you be remembered? In the next 100 years, nearly everybody living today will be dead. Will you be remembered beyond a century? But as you chase glory and legacy, do not forget to take a moment and take it all in. I know this rat race called life may blur the view, but the world is a beautiful place.?
That's my story. It may either depress you or motivate you; it's your choice.?