Beauty Catches the Male Eye

Beauty Catches the Male Eye

While it might not be witchcraft, the formula for ‘love at first sight’ remains a mystery. However, if you pop the following ingredients into a kettle: large pupils, long glances, and a lovely, attentive smile, you may not have concocted a bona fide love potion but your witch’s brew could contain some insight into the laws of attraction.

Looks" Are Everything… The best way to catch his eye? Easy - look into his.

The link between eye contact and falling in love is more than just the stuff of good song lyrics. The vast majority of what we learn about another person is filtered through what we see.

Eye contact is one of the concepts that set apart a master seducer and an average man. Regardless of your level of experience in wooing women, you can always increase the chances of your approval through this body language sign.

A sizzling eye contact is one of biggest signs of romantic attraction. You never know, locking your eyes with a strange guy on the streets or in a shopping mall could be the beginning of a friendship that would blossom into wonderful love. You can gauge someone’s interests by the way they look at you because eyes are the soul’s messenger.

Most people in casual conversation look at each other’s eyes about 45% of the time, but couples who are interested in each other gaze into the eyes as much as 75% of the time they are talking.

Do they look deeply into one another’s eyes because they are in love?

Or are they in love because they look deeply into one another’s eyes? 

Signs He Is Flirting

When a boss is particularly friendly and attentive it can leave some employees asking, "Is my boss flirting with me?"

Be realistic in your assessment, though, since things that may seem flirtatious outside of the workplace (extra attention, encouragement, offers of lunch) might simply be "business as usual" at work. It's when you can't find justification for the extra attention or playfulness based on work then you may be able to confidently assume you're being flirted with.

 Does it feel like flirting?

 'Those who are far from the eye are far from the heart." While this Arabic proverb is similar to the "out of sight out of mind" English proverb, there is a notable difference:

How much or rather, how long the eyes focus on an object, might be a reflection of what is in the heart; it is not always love.

When one particularly handsome man came into the room smiling, all the single women on our table, and one married one, stared at him as he made his way to a table. And yes, you guessed it, the table was packed with beautiful women.

Eh, back to eating. We don't really need scientific studies to tell us that there is an obvious human tendency to stare, gaze and watch others. Some people even make a living watching people.

Studies have shown that infants as young as a few days old stare longer at faces rated by adults as more attractive, and certain animals such as cats hiss and dislike photos of unshaven, unattractive, bearded men and stare longer at clean shaven, "more attractive" men.

So the importance of being attractive is greater than we initially thought. I know that before I leave my house, I like to appear somewhat presentable (not always) and brush my hair, put on a little bit of make-up and some nice clothes, because - Hey, you never know who you might bump into or see along the way. Sure, I tell myself it is for "me" but really, we can't help it,

We know will be checked out by others, especially by other females. We have to dress the part.

Wherever we go, unless pressed for time and stressed over something, we scope out the place and take a quick scan over the people around us, and sometimes, if there is a particularly interesting looking person, we pause and look at him or her a bit longer. If we are caught looking, we look away (pretend we weren't looking) or smile back. I know for me, it actually depends on how I feel about myself that day.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensue discussion or debate. 


Thank you …While you get used to it, some stares do bother you and stay with you. In my university days, I recall we had numerous debates at the university library about whether there was an "Arab" stare or a "Desi" (Indian/Pakistani) stare and whether it was more obvious and intrusive than say, a generic Anglo-Saxon stare.


We reached a conclusion based on our small sample of men and women, that whether we like it or not, Arab and Desi men do stare more obviously than other men, and women stare at each other more often, and sometimes, the women look at other women more than men. We wanted to test this. So three of us, two male friends and I, who were studying psychology, went and sat inside a "hip" university coffee shop for several days around the same time and at the same spot.

We noticed that pretty much everyone who entered the coffee shop, would get a barrage of eyes looking at them from every corner of the place, with some stares lingering longer than others when they saw something they liked or disliked.

Want to add word or two?   

The shortest stares were when there was genuine disinterest.

So is the "lingering stare" more common in some cultures than others?

Based on this simple study over a bagel and coffee, we noted a huge difference between those who stared longer and where they were originally from. Yes, we were all Canadians, but from different backgrounds.

Whatever the case, it seems that if someone is staring at you for eight seconds or more, then there just might be something behind that stare - a like or a dislike.

Has someone ever given you a stare and then looked away immediately. Most likely, they didn’t even notice anything about you. It happens all the time when the eyes are wandering and meets another person’s eyes coincidentally for a fraction of a second. If a guy makes such an eye contact, there is nothing much going on and he is probably not paying attention towards you.

Your comment ….?

Let’s pretend it’s Friday night, you’re in a bar and you are people watching. It’s dim in here but what do you see?

You may see strangers exchanging glances with each other from across the crowded room. Once their eyes meet if eye contact is established and a look is held, the game of love has begun.

 A man peers around the room and becomes suddenly intrigued by a woman returning his glance. The glance turns into a gaze. He initially found her beautiful but now the magnetism of her prolonged eye contact has amplified her attractiveness.

The complex magic of love can’t be boiled down to a wink, a nod and a grin but it is easy to see that the eyes have a lot to do with physical attraction, seduction and romantic love.

So, are the eyes really the windows to the soul?

Perhaps I should say they are the windows to the heart.

Look of Love: That Sly Stare !


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