The Beauty of a Back-Up Plan
We all know that life can throw unexpected obstacles at us, events that can completely derail our plans for success, happiness and a comfortable existence. That’s the nature of life. Problems show up, relationships break down, we have to change jobs or our homes and endure the unforeseen storms that can wreck our dreams. Clearly, these events can be devastating, especially from a psychological perspective, and the feeling that we’re losing control over our destiny is one of the leading causes of depression in the modern world. So, when the we’re threatened by life’s tempests, how can we reduce the impact on our equilibrium and keep a firm footing on our pathway? It’s time to make a plan.
Contingency plans are always a great idea in any commercial or governmental environment. Yet, we seem reluctant to apply this excellent principle to our private circumstances. Perhaps we’re unwilling to face the fear and discomfort of considering a list of scary, worst-case scenarios that inevitably touch any sensitive, raw nerve endings in our private lives. Or perhaps we don’t want to tempt fate. But there are some great reasons to justify the exercise. Take a few minutes to write down a list of the events that would be truly devastating to your life. Take your time and remember to breathe deeply and calmly. This about regaining control rather than triggering a panic attack! By confronting these issues, we lower the fear threshold and expose our anxieties to the light of reason.?
I know it's an emotiove subject but, as you identify each potential area of disaster, think about how you would deal with it. Make notes. This is the basis for your contingency plan. The hidden benefit is that you now have a list of actions you can take in response to a major disruption to your life. Knowing that you have alternatives helps you to remain in control. Having a list of planned steps will add momentum to your response and keep you moving. As you invest your energy in following your plan, you’ll have less time to worry, panic or freeze. You’ll overcome the inertia that follows most disasters and feel stronger and better equipped to deal with whatever problem has intruded upon your life. We don’t always make good decisions when we’re stressed, especially when we feel that our hopes and dreams and security are under threat. Having a well-designed plan can lay the foundations for a swift recovery and you’ll feel that you’re still on track, even if you’ve been obliged to make a short detour.
Take a little time to consider the possible events that could wreck your life. It isn’t a happy exercise but it’s an essential step in being better prepared for life’s inevitable storms and disruptions. Knowing that you’ve made a good plan will equip you to be more resilient in the face of any threats. And that’s a key element for improving your health, wellbeing, success and sense of inner balance.