Beauty in All Things
There is Beauty in you
And Beauty in me
And Beauty in All;
Covered by layers of dirt
Occasioned by the Fall…Working to prevent
The manifestation of graciousness and glory.
In you resides Two Laws
To which do you daily yield, sow, or gravitate:
To Life or to the Knowledge of good & evil?
To whichever are you the servant of?
If to Life…You have choice
If to Knowledge of good & evil…You have your choice.
Choose Life and live
For the other side seems right
Though its destination is assured death
For death it was from the beginning.
What is Beauty save
The Way
The Truth
The Word
The Spirit
The Life?
And in this Life is no darkness at all
Though He made all things: light and darkness;
Manifesting in
Faith and Virtue
Knowledge and Temperance
Patience and Godliness
And Brotherly Kindness;
Charity is the Beauty in All Things
Seek Charity and therein possess All Things.
Think on these things…
July 8, 2016