Beauty After a Prescribed Burn
Image taken after a prescribed burn at Sheburne Wildlife Refuge Minnesota

Beauty After a Prescribed Burn

This image was taken at Sherburne Wildlife Refuge near my home the spring after a prescribed burn at this location. Driving my little convertible that day to escape a heart full of pain from broken dreams personally and professionally, the sight of this as I rounded a corner of lupine thicker than I had ever seen and was magnificently beautiful! Yet, the beauty of this image contrasted against my hurting heart

I spend most summer evenings on this one way, seven mile dirt road loop yet I had never seen anything like this! Why were the lupines so thick, the fields so robustly full of blooms this year as opposed to prior years? "Of course", I remembered, "There was a recent prescribed burn of this area."

A prescribed burn, also known as a controlled burn or hazard reduction burning is set with intention. Ridding the forest of dead leaves, downed tree limbs and other debris, controlled burns aid in preventing a destructive wildfire. Besides reduction of wildfires, the burn can eliminate invasive plants, while rejuvenating the richness of the soil for new growth.

Today I was remembering a portion of Isaiah 61 and recited in my mind verse 3. " to give them beauty for ashes" and then the relevance of this idea penetrated deeply within me.

Beauty after ashes.

Over a period of the last four years, some of the most major areas of my life were hit by fire. This was not a wildfire, but rather, a fire that started in once place, then in what seemed controlled moved to another. It sucked, still does when I remember it! My marriage, my place in my family of origin, my job and career, my self worth and lastly, my health.

Truly there had been a lot of debris and plantings in my life over the years in the form of religious judgement, a struggle with codependency that invaded the fabric of soul where I was unsure of who I was apart from my daily to-do list, a deep need for validation, an inability to set boundaries with others, and hustling for my worth. All this left me frustrated, muttering to myself how ,"If it is to be, it's always up to me."

Wildfires! Yes, there had been a few outcroppings here and there. Broken and strained relationships because of my judgements, others feeling I was less than approachable, downed branches everywhere. Living each day to get as much done as possible without putting my head up for air, the to-do lists fell like dead leaves gathering at my soul. Living to please others without understanding the need for sunlight for my own growth. Physical ailments crept in like invasive weeds; daily migraine headaches, unexplained vision loss, dizziness and confusion. I can almost smell the smoke,,,,

After the burn, I see what lies around me; beauty after the ashes!

My values have vastly changed along with my ability to offer grace and sincere love to others as well as myself. I leaned into therapy both in a clinical setting and the therapy of nature. I rise early each day to meditate that it is written, "Surely goodness and loving-kindness will follow after me" (Psalms 23) and that I no longer need to hustle for my worthiness. I have renewed relationships with others and an enjoyment of the diversity and unique qualities that they bring to my life.

I have rounded a corner, a different corner this time, not in my convertible but in my soul. The prescribed burn came and went. What is presenting in the rejuvenated soil is amazing! The burn was what was needed to produce the beauty! The lupine no longer contrast against my soul, they understand and celebrate with me the renewal after the burn. Rich soil, great for new planting.

Psalm 30:5 "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."


