To a beautiful start...
Geetika Sharma
Founder Better Careers | Director Promaynov Advisory Services Pvt Ltd | Career Coach | Connecting Talent with Opportunity |
As I sit in December with newer ambitions, hopes and targets for the coming year, I start penning down some of my learnings from the year gone by.
1. Learning has to be life-long and it’s a privilege to get into the student zone again, never miss that opportunity.
2. The greatest gift you can give your kids is that of a parent with good health, comes from the wisdom I have gained following a strict fitness and diet plan since last 4+ months. Give your health a priority else it will be too late.
3. Those who want to be in touch with you, will always do (well this comes after leaving FB for more than 5 months now ;-))Virtual friendships fade away faster than a click and its ones family and close network of friends one should always focus and invest on.
4. Make time to meet the underprivileged, volunteer to work with them, its good not just for them but for you too.
5.Loyalty is the greatest virtue and cherish those people who support you even when you are not around, they are worth their weight in gold.
6. Not everything needs your attention and reaction. Many a times a story is forwarded on whatsapp groups about a person in foul mood abusing a calm driver who never reacts to such people. Stay away from such garbage trucks, let them pass by while you maintain your calm.
Would love to hear back the learnings of my network !
Agreed points no. 1, 5, 6