The beautiful life of women
Women are the anchor of the nation. She is a special creature created with great honour. Her life cycle clearly shows that she is indeed a phenomenon creature. She can be sister, wife, mother, employee, and cousin all at once. The skill of balancing all those roles comes with so much intelligence and patience. Even in her busy schedule, she joyfully performs their duties appropriately. This shows how unique she is.
At home, she is a wife. Women are gifted at multitasking. She can cook, work and nurture kids at the same time with efficiency. No matter how much men try, they cannot match her abilities. Behind every successful man is a woman. We have grown up knowing and experiencing the truth behind this statement. Nature has gifted women with certain unique strengths. She has immense mental strength and resilience.
Her role continues to be a mother. Women are actually given an opportunity and a privilege by God in giving life to another human being. Her responsibility is stretched towards her husband, children, and family. She has the ability to turn the old ragged walls of a house into a beautiful home. The pivotal role of being a mother is still the divine mission assigned to women alone. Mothers play a pivotal role to her children’s upbringing and in the long run to the society. A mother strives to nurture and teach a child life issues. She explicitly makes the world a much better place. Women are the most influential educators. Mothers are timeless teachers in the classroom of life. They donate to us timeless wisdom, a legacy so precious and valuable. Mothers have often shaped our world from the cradle, by rocking, nurturing and instructing children to grow up to make life changing and history making endeavours. For every person, there is a mother behind who fostered her child’s sensibilities to their full potential. Mothers remain some of our most powerful teachers in the hands-on laboratory of everyday living. Of all their many attributes. Mother’s lessons in life give us the space to believe in oneself as there is no limit to greatness one can attain or the great things one can accomplish.
The journey goes on to be a daughter in law, having to get used to the new family, love and accommodate them just as she has with her. When a woman gets married and joins her husband's family the process is just like an organ transplant when the new organ takes time to adjust to its new a body. She brings in warmth, understanding, and balance in the family.
Women’s great puzzle will never be complete without sisters and cousins. If you don't understand how a woman can both love her sister or cousin and want to wring her neck at the same time, you were probably an only child. Every woman with a sister will agree that there's nothing quite like your relationship with her. The dark days during our adolescence where the big sister must lead and guard her little sister to good decision making can be hectic. It takes a lot of responsibility but it is so amazing how women do not give up on their sisters and cousins at that stage. They give their all to try and comfort and mend the lost moments. They go to the extent of forgiving and forgetting incredibly quickly. One moment you're screaming at each other, the next you're asking to borrow that dress she bought last week. Outrageous fights can blow over in minutes something that's rarely easy with anyone else. Sisters have a completely honest critic. A sister is that person in life who tells you when you're wrong, poorly dressed, being rude or when something you're complaining about is actually your own fault.
When she is at the market place her role diverts from the family setup to a co-operate market place role as an employee. She goes to work, sits on high profile meetings makes a decision that has a great impact on the socio-economic development her flexibility at the workplace has not only brought several positive changes but it also has made organizations look more closely at the problems of employees. She creates and maintains a healthy balance between work and life, women outshine men. From taking care of kids and family to give excellent performance in office, women master the art of balancing job and family pretty well. Their sensitivity, intuition and emotional intelligence help to create a well-rounded workforce.
Women have a strong team spirit and feeling of togetherness they value relationships and analyse problem better. If these mind-blowing characteristics of them are brought into workplace it can result in great team building or group effort that will work for the benefit of the organization. Women use their relationship building and communication skill to manage a team efficiently. She can make every employee of her team feel that their effort and contribution have been valued. The compassion she shows with her staff helps to boost their levels of productivity. They can tackle problems efficiently without giving tensions to her colleagues or team members. When confronted with an adverse situation, women look for the opportunity within. She motivates others and gives advice as if she is giving her own child. She removes the employee jacket and puts on a mother’s one. When it comes to encouraging other team members around them or allow others to flourish as a more efficient employee, women are the best. Women are great to inspire and motivate employees at the workplace. Women are endowed with great management skill by birth. From cooking, taking care of the family to motivating a team to achieve something big they can manage everything efficiently. Their emphatic and collaborative style of management inspires employees to increase their level of productivity.
Life activities of women must not be viewed as negative or bringing so much pressure. This is the beautiful life of women. Women complete the whole puzzle of society set-up.