The Beautiful Imminent FALL of the kingdoms of Darkness

The Beautiful Imminent FALL of the kingdoms of Darkness

Back in late 2022, Yahweh LORD GOD All-Powerful told me that He was going to bring down President Cyril Ramaphosa. He repeated those same words in January 2023 TWICE and I had NEVER heard the LORD repeat Himself about something He is going to do until this, He normally speaks to me ONCE and whatever He says is done, sometimes He doesn’t even speak He only shows me visions and whatever message He gives me gets done. I knew this was going to be BIG because I had NEVER EVER heard the LORD repeat Himself concerning any prophecy He has ever given me in the past. And with Ramaphosa, Yahweh found the need to repeat Himself to me THREE TIMES, this is when I knew what is coming for that man will be HUGE – He will fall like no other man, and it will be at the MIGHTY UNFAILING hands of the ALMIGHTY GOD of HEAVENS ARMY.

In late January 2023, Yahweh LORD GOD All-Wonderful announced to me that JUDGEMENT DAY is coming. I told many people about this and they thought I was speaking lies because they were expecting it to happen in weeks or a few months thinking that Yahweh moves according to their anticipated time (it was mainly people who were not in Christ who thought in this foolish manner.) This JUDGEMENT DAY that Yahweh announced to me back then is NOW upon us, I do NOT know when the LORD will STRIKE but what He will do will be on an international scale STRIKING the kingdom of darkness in a VERY PAINFUL fashion and NO ONE will escape His fierce JUDGEMENT.

The LORD further explained through the prophet Yamkela Joseph early this year what this JUDGEMENT DAY is all about. With this JUDGEMENT DAY Yahweh will be destroying the entire South African political system, therefore NOT ONLY Ramaphosa will fall but this JUDGEMENT DAY shall mark the COMPLETE END of Politics in South Africa. The sickening corruption and theft they have been performing in the shadows/behind closed doors shall be exposed, you will see great politicians and even judges fall and get brought to justice. You will also see Yahweh expose the Shadow government which is the Luciferian government that controls ALL these politicians you vote for, they decide the votes and what gets done in the country (Yahweh said your votes don't actually count, they always decide what will happen in the shadows WAY before you vote. This recent election in South Africa was decided by them back in 2023 and it played out exactly like the LORD said it would.) Yahweh HATES that these people control, manipulate, destroy, corrupt, enslave and serve devils - He does NOT want them running this country anymore and wants to establish peace and prosperity in the nation of South Africa but FIRST, they MUST ALL FALL and NONE of them shall be spared. They will try to flee but NONE of them shall escape the MIGHTY HAND of the LIVING GOD!

On the 5th of May 2024 Yahweh LORD GOD All-Glorious spoke to me in a dream and told me about beings who were implementing a Lockdown which was going to be FAR WORSE than any of the ones that we went through before. Yahweh specifically said that they were going to use this lockdown to enslave the nations, the LORD told me that they already had the vaccinations ready and they were going to pretend as if they still had to make these vaccinations. The LORD then SHOWED ME instead of just telling me that these vaccinations are specifically designed to weaken the willpower of people, in the dream where He spoke to me, as He was speaking and as I was walking about in the streets of Alexandra going shopping I was seeing visions of what He was talking about and when He made me feel what the vaccinations will do to the people as I was seeing the vision of the vaccinations I suddenly felt WEAK WEAK WEAK as if ALL my strength and will power were stripped from me. I felt NOTHING like myself, even in my sickest moments I have never felt that powerless. In that dream and in that moment I literally felt like if someone was to come to me and force me to worship the devil through means of violence I had ZERO strength to fight or even argue, I felt like I could give in to anything that anyone could force me to do without being able to put up a fight even if I wanted to.

A few days after I told the public about what the LORD said on my Facebook page, the LORD gave a similar message through Uebert Angel speaking about the coming lock-down and how the vaccinations were already there ready to be sent out. He also explained what these vaccinations were going to do to people. It was around this time when my prayer partner and I started a covenant where we prayed daily for a few months from 12:30AM to 4:00AM or 4:20AM doing repentance prayers, warfare prayers, interceding for the nations, scripture reading and other things that Yahweh would bring to our attention. We even stopped counting days and finished more than 70 days doing these prayers.

I know that MANY intercessors throughout the Earth prayed too because this Lock-down was going to be disastrous for EVERYONE had we not prayed according to what the LORD originally told me. The governments of the nations were going to use it as an opportunity to put the First World Order into full effect but Yahweh told me that they first had to enslave the nations – this was a instruction they were given. They were going to make things VERY DIFFICULT for every nation ensuring that people do not own anything, even buying food was going to get more and more expensive, they were going to enforce poverty while taking ownership of the assets of people across the nations. Even those who belong to the kingdom of darkness and think that their little devils they love so much love them back were going to see just how ruthless their devils are and how much they do not care about them – they were going to see SERIOUS LEVELS OF DARKNESS had the intercessors not stepped in and prayed.

Yahweh announced recently through Yamkela Joseph that the Lock-down will still be happening but because we interceded like we were meant to the LORD is going to use this coming Lock-down to DESTROY the Kingdoms of Darkness throughout the Earth. He even said through the prophet that He is going to bring down the illuminati and it is going to be painful for Lucifer and his minions. Yahweh will use this lock-down period to bring down royals (kings and queens) throughout the earth who worship devils and He will begin to establish peace throughout the earth. The LORD said those who are in Christ do not need to worry about anything, they do not even need to practice social distancing during this lock-down, they should just stay strong in Christ, resting and trusting in Yahweh and watch their LORD move MIGHTILY on their behalf and simply enjoy the show, the fall of the kingdoms of darkness.


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