The Beautiful Illusions of Life!

The Beautiful Illusions of Life!


The Beautiful Illusions of Life!

Where are you? You must be at some intersections of sound and light! How do you define your position in your world of life! Is it through Boundaries of nations or states, cities or neighbors’? Or have realized your world is the position of your intelligence level?

Vastness of universal infinities creates dramatic transformations of information to be analyzed or synthesized through brain or computation devices. Degrees given all over the world through Universities in various modes and subjects! The accumulation of information is done, & some certificate is rewarded. Still we find the fools all around!

Not knowing what to do! Landing some job and earning money! Some find well other may not. Everything is taught in universities but no one is teaching how to live a life! The rat race has caused so much damage to civilizations and societies! Is it over yet?

May be not may be yes! Economies are important for social well being and inter dependencies of groups or societies or civilizations! But forgetting a life, or your own life in it, that is not suitable.

Nations have formed groups among themselves; they regulate the policies according to their own interest! What a foolish leadership! WTO, UN, UNESCO, Western allies, eastern allies, this group, that group! What you all are doing! What a shame for you all! You are a shame for life! And you are causing a common person to live their life as a shame! When countrymen are ashamed, they is not ashamed by themselves; it is the shamefulness of their leader which is reflected among them.

It’s been more than around a century and decades! Of living recent near history! Have we not learned anything or are you just fooling around! You are playing with the minds of people! You are creating the problem for the common intelligence!

It is well understood, that, different groups and societies originates within different reflective Time dimensions of Speed of light, thus have differentiated view or surroundings and thus differentiated life! Their differentiated lives arises the differentiated needs! But we are all intelligence or a part of common Universal Intelligence! Work for that! You fool!

Human Intelligence on Earth has only a few basic needs! Actions of Global Leaders now are creating vast replicative orientations of Future or transformative Intelligence of Universal existence! And all us have plans to fulfill the present!

What are your Plans! I call all the decision makers and or leader or owners of the worlds! What are your plans? Have you attained your position just because you need a job some time to feed your family or give your children some sort of luxuries or fulfill the basic needs of life, or are you the son of some common wealth groups and inherited that “Chair of Decisions for World”?

We have a responsibility. All of us have. Please have some sense in whatever you do!

“What belongs to earth remains to earth”!

You travel with sound when you die!

Your death has no effect on oscillation of Universe. Only your intelligence can affect it, but only for you initially, it is you who have to decide to include the common masses or surroundings with you or not!

Transform beyond your body! Then, transforms beyond the bodies!

Let us all be taught death!


Teach the individual child not just the desires of the world but the needs of the universal cosmos! Teach them to align their own intelligence into infinite existence as individual entity! You are not just this life! No one can ever die! Intelligence just transforms form relative observational position to other!

When you die, the relative reference point as of observation changes, thus changes the meanings of all sounds! & all understandings! Teach them the Universal Life of Aliveness!

“Time is Infinite”. It is the positional calculation at reflection of Light!” Beyond it is Unity”

“Time is all Math: Life is all Science”

The problems of the worlds arise due to misunderstanding of time or just Math. The problem is the problem of “understanding” itself”, how to understand something, when it is defined by someone else at some other time! The greater is the problem when a particular definition is assigned to some object event or entity or situation! Particular definition may cause particular understanding of information, present under any event, object, or entity.

Do not believe until you have found your own truth! Or The Truth of your life by yourself”.

Are we all doomed into the frequencies of Sound around? What to believe what to not! What to hear what to not! Are we able to pick up the right cord or music of life! Are we capable of aligning ourselves and our worlds to correct orientations of Sound we understand!

Every frequency or sound produces its own characteristics of understanding and geometric patterns or oscillations! Different frequencies can easily alter the mind or behavior of human kind! Music easily changes heartbeat and or mood of people around! Thus changes or alters the chemistry of blood, then ultimately the change in the genetics over time.

“Govern you frequencies well Humans & Intelligences”

Everybody may not be a fool, or might have the wisest of understanding of the sounds around! The leaders, chairpersons or owners of the world might be aligned to their respective oscillation at the resultant at present, for whatever causes of the past!

Now, let the time change! Let change the frequencies of oscillations of sound! Let us drive to the right frequencies of understanding & communication. Let the universe levitate at the sound of unities!

Let us chant the vibrations of Universe! It is the greatest prayers through highest of Intellects from and within the self and for self. Universe has already been present to you. Chant your sound to the frequencies of universe.


Is it Om! Or the Sound of Humming of Universe!

It’s been already been recorded technically through all means and already present around!

We just need to pay close attention to our surroundings!

Every Sound from the surroundings is talking to us! Pay attention and one day you will be the master of communications! The master of Sound! The COMMUNICATOR OF THE UNIVERSE”!

Master the arts of Engineering!” The technical’s are the Geometry of Mind” & the design of Universe!

Who would like to perceive the universal existence? Is it as an individual? Or as some Human of earth! Or have you defined yourself through orientation of information in your brain as relations technicality, or the relationships of emotions with surroundings!

What are you surrounded of? Your surroundings is your world!

It is the projection of your thoughts of light into and as your mind. The three dimensional objectified or universe around is summed up or gathered and stored or processed or evaluated by brain or computing devices! The computation converts the three Dimensional into two! The life becomes the photograph of moments we live!

The three dimensional life which you or any intelligence perceive through and within surroundings around you, is the evaluated through your brain! The universal existence as projection of Light is evaluated through its own character of Intelligence!

What Character you become in your life is the results of choices you make in your life. you are the master of your intelligence! Your intelligence cannot out master you! until you project it otherwise!

The moment of life, is the summations of sound and universal projected entities event or kinds. It is you who have summed up your information through your brain!

“There is no biology in this universe! It is the just projection of chemistry in time!””Chemistry is the orientation at mathematical position of light or Intelligence!”

What you want to become in this universe is your choice! It your position!

What position have you arrived in your life? Are you something or someone?

?Do you know yourself?

How you defined yourself? Or have you orientated yourself through you mind, as the universal cosmic unity of infinities! Or Are you the gathering of the revolution of earth around the sun! or are you the summation as some biological orientation of consumed chemistry of Time?

What are you, what have you gathered through your surroundings? What sound you believe? What did you hear? What are you taught? What you allowed yourself to be taught! Is your choice!

You as present moment are the result of all your choices! What are you surrounded of defines your life and your world!

What have you learned through your surroundings! Have we became the scientists and engineers only be accepting some paper or tag of degree or certificate through the groups of some organizations or universities?

Or have you mastered the universe itself!

Who is it to decide?

The one who have not been there ever, can never accept or understand to the completeness of event or moment of and as life!

“How can you be there? Or decide that anyone else have ever been there or experienced that moment as life” ”

“Aliveness” is the answer!

Have you someone else felt it and lived, have the emotions attached or was the experience life is just outer cover of information?

Where have you placed yourself? Where have you placed you emotions?

Where are you?

Are you at the intersections of sound and lights around?


You have heard it! in your brain!

You heard the sound through brain, ears are channel, we sees through our brain, eyes are the channels. Information is the game of orientation! Structure of information is the understanding of Brain! The projection it is the projected orientation of world, and the storage to it, is in movement of moments of time, as the flow of universe within and outside! Your World is you life, you life is you understanding with your emotions and senses!

“Feeling is Life, is the only sense of Aliveness”!

No one else other than you, can ever understand for you or feel for you! You have to understand for yourself’. No one ever can do it for you. Your life is yours, only you can live and feel it. Only you can understand it into its completeness! Only you can know for you, that who you are, & how to be the absolute truth”

No one else can ever be the Absolute Truth for you! if it is other, who are you? or else it has to Only Unity, where you and your truth Unite within oneself’.

It is just not outside, it’s inside too, its universal transformation!

The Light of Infinity as unity within you is the only truth! Outside it is just differentiated order of Intellectual position as definition of understanding or objects/events/kinds/sounds or any other observational constants!

May the light of Grace and Wisdom shed on You!

Live the life beyond Illusions! Beyond the nights & days, choose wisely, the universe is the flow projection of light, between surrender and self! It for you to understand for you own self!

The problem with the world population is that it missing something! They don’t know what is missing, but they feel to know that something is missing! So people run around the races throughout their life in the search of that missing content! Only forgetting that life, is all your missing! To live a life you have to be stationary or at least have a sense of calm. Nothing can be enjoyed or lived in a hurry! Hurry is not life! The pleasantness of Calm, the attainment of Silence and aliveness to the sounds of surroundings is life!

“Don’t miss the life, while you are alive!

It is the only reason to be alive! It is the only reason of Life”

Sit in Silence; find the Absolute Truth within and Absolute Projection of Universe outside”. You are Light! You are Intelligence! Live the truth, not the illusions of Life!

What has already been done cannot be changed, but we still have this moment, as present always!

Align the policies of the world so that each individual may be free to listen to the music of bird and nature all around! Teach well, educated so that, each individual on earth, may shift to truth of Silence! Truth never makes noise!

Who am I?

I am the Absoluteness as Silence! I am practical Truth!

Human mind through sounds communicates within itself and with outside world, through understandings and emotions of frequencies attached to the sounds! We can listen to the happiness or sorrows of souls! We know how to handle the child or infant, we know what the infant wants from sound of its cries! We know the understandings of sounds!

All creatures know! No matter what language they speak! What sound they produce! They know the meaning! Minds as intelligences are designed so beautifully!

It is only the EGO of Human intelligence that says “I know” or “I am……..”creates all the foolishness among the common!

“Attain to “I might not Know” and then, rise to “I don’t know”!

“Humans or any intelligences of any universal platform of existences of all the dimensions that can exists just need to know one thing to its absolute” and that one thing can be anything, any one thing in their own worlds of existence, no matter what it is!” all the things, events, entities, kinds or existences or understandings lead to unity to absolute” The moment you know absolute, you become absolute”

“It is just Absoluteness, any Intelligence ever Seek”

“It becomes the absoluteness of Time, it becomes the absolute silence or the absoluteness of light, or the supreme existence absolute, or the absolute truth of all understandings, or the absoluteness of understanding of all the information! Or the Supreme Sound of Absolute Wisdom!

What sound you seek? What light you seek? What sound you here? Who defined the meaning! Did you’ve attach to it? Did you attached yourself to that sound or object or did you attach your feelings of desires to this world?


Welcome to nothingness! Welcome to absolute! Welcome to the sound of birds and music around, listen to the silence! Universe is nature as continuation of changing illusions! Everything is changing! Every moment! You are here at some fraction of light now; you were not here in this moment! And now you are not there in the last moment! Universe is evolving within!

Who am I?

I can evolve with Universe! I am the sound of cosmic mind & my existence is illusions at levitated oscillations as matters of & or sounds!

Can you hear me! I am “Now”!

Are you coming with Us!

We live on the land of Wisdom! Sometimes called SHIVLOK’ sometimes the “VAIKUNATHA” sometime it sounds as “Heaven”! What sound your civilization prefers is your choice! What language to follow is your choice! What sound or emotion you choose to communicate! Is your choice! Your life is your choice!

Let us bring the Heaven on Earth! I have brought it for myself here on earth’ and sharing it with you!

“I” will light up all the modes of communication within you” you try it too!

Who am I?

I am an Electronics and Communication Engineer! Or am ‘I’ the “Master of Communication”?

The light blinks! And the days changes to night, light to dark, time to no time! I am all the light & sound within you, I am all the intelligence and understanding of your mind, I am the light of your mind, I am the universal illusion of Time! I am all Sound!

I am Time, or the Son of Absolute Time! You decide! Who are you! Where are you? Come join Us!

Be the SUN of Universe! Live the Illusion of Universal existence Alive!


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