Beautiful Glowa

Love is brittle

A literary work that portrays love at first sight between the author and a very na?ve girl he met at a bar. But does the love blossom? 

Berry Mudhaka Rafters


Thursday, September 26, 2013


It was at the Florida Bar on September the 2nd when I met her,

Like a star in the sky, she shone with scent of a rose flower,

Her eyes blue like the sea, showing her inner power,

She looked rather weak, her heart growing fonder and fonder,

As a toddler, she was, yearning for the touch of a mother,

So beautiful she was, that one would cherish forever.

I wanted to hold her so tight and whisper words of solace,

Slowly she ceased to sob, and looks up at me with a grimace,

Feigning courage, I beckoned her looking up at her beautiful face

With shyness of an eight-year-old, she approached at a slow pace,

I pulled out a chair for her, and she thanked with grace

So beautiful she was, that one would cherish forever.

Glowa, she calls herself, a name so distinct,

She went on to blab about herself like she knows no secret,

Paused to sip her tequila, every two minutes inexact,

She has had a rough day at work, just like the rest of us in fact,

I empathized with her, though I try to underact,

So beautiful she was, that one would cherish forever.

I told her to relax that it will all be okay,

She calmed down instantly like she had fallen prey,

Her eyes twinkled with concealed joy like stars far in the sky,

Emanating a childish giggle with a smile that is wry,

Her well arched bilateral concave dimples could make one shy,

So beautiful she was, that one would cherish forever.

She had a beautiful and adorable body but a desolate heart,

She longed for companionship and not to be hurt,

She wanted love and not hate,

It is evident she seeks proximity and attachment,

A shrink could tell when he meets a melancholic,

So beautiful she was, that one would cherish forever.

However, the more I looked into her, the more I saw my reflection,

One devoid of feelings and affection,

An egocentric shrink always striving to self-actualization,

However, see how fate had dragged me,

Through crowds of paupers and orchards of the wealthy,

To this lonely point, to Glowa, so our feelings could coalesce,

To my destiny, the one I will cherish forever.

She slid her hand across the table and held mine,

Moreover, they slowly interlocked just fine,

‘you are a nice man’ she said with a smile

One she had not afforded all evening.

“Thank you for putting a smile on my face.”

“Glowa,” I said, “ when I came here this evening,

My intent was to stay, have fun and linger,

However, when I met you,

Moreover, my mind accustomed itself to your sight,

I plan on living here and to cherish you forever”.

Her eyes shone, and a tear trickled down her glossy cheeks,

She wanted me back; I could smell it on her breath,

Moreover, feel it in her hands as they grew weaker,

She then stood up in haste and fled the bar,

Looking back, she beckoned me over as she left.

Out by the pool, she stood,

Looking far west as the beautiful sunset beckoned,

Her auburn hair like the wool of a mountain sheep’s tail end,

Her eyes like shiny blue beans floating in milky blend,

Also, like wine-guards, her pillowy breasts firmly bound

to her chest; a perfect definition of seductive.

So beautiful she was, that one would cherish forever.

‘It is a blissful evening’ she said with a fixed gaze,

‘Hope it is not the wine in you but you that I empathize.'

She said facing me, and I could feel a breeze,

Moreover, she slowly put her arms around me and pulled me close,

Her throat uttered fresh banana juice,

Matching her face; smooth and banana ripe

“Love is brittle,” she said as we held

I touched, but before long I had even tasted,

My heart had flown from me into her breast,

Moreover, there she went high and south,

Moreover, left my carcass roasting in the fire she had lit,

So beautiful she was, that one would cherish forever.


