The beauties and the beasts
The idea is simple: to get the prince/beauty, you have to love the beast/frog first. Both of these stories are about the same thing.
The point is about masks, which we wear when we are scared as kids. A mask for mom, a mask for dad, for grandma and for grandpa, for the teacher, for other kids and so on. There are many masks, they are different, and people call each other "two-faced" for wearing them, without seeing that they have to do it to survive.
These masks are not always separate, so we can show different faces to different people. They are stuck on top of each other, in layers, changing places, mixing, tangling and growing into the real face. They become us, or rather, we become them.
And so, in this mess, hurt, envy, fear, distrust and trying to make up for it all, two people find each other. Maybe they like one of the masks, or maybe they see something real between the masks, something bright, kind, warm and very fragile.
If people fall in love with the real thing, not the masks, they can save each other. Not break up, use and force each other, but heal each other. How? With love, of course. What is love? It is like friendship, but with one more thing:
? Sexual passion
? Respect
? Gratitude
? Trust
? Desire to protect (tenderness)
In this case, it is like magnets: people show each other their best and real side. This is not only with lovers: anyone gives another person something in talking and gets something back.
For example, a man who is confident, strong and kind always makes people want to show him their best side. And it will not be a mask, but the real thing. How does he do it?
He ignores the masks and looks right into the real thing, through all the layers. And the real thing responds, because it has to. Well, except for the most hurt ones. Then they just run away from him as fast as they can. Sadly.
There are not many people like this, you have to be very good at life and be happy with yourself. But lovers don't have to be like this. They are so in love that it happens by itself!
So friends, if you feel that you and your love have a good connection in your core, don't be afraid of the other masks and fears. Take yourself and each other with all this stuff, and then it will go away. Not only for you two, but for everyone else.
If you only like one or two masks, but not the rest, and you can't see the real thing at all, then be honest about it. Have fun while it lasts, and then say goodbye before it hurts too much.
Author - Andy The Shrink