Beating the Tom Tom # 2 | Why Agile can be so fragile...

I love Agile, it’s fast and challenging… like Formula One...

Most people with a license can drive a car pretty fast, just like most trained program managers can deliver a decent outcome - but, just like very few drivers can really handle an F1 car, there aren’t that many program managers who can truly get the most out of Agile.

I don’t believe Agile’s magic is its methodology - the magic's really in the collaboration that SOMETIMES occurs through Agile projects.

If you can deliver genuine collaboration, you’re unstoppable - the tricky part is making it work up and down the decision-maker tree and between departments. The good tech guys already have the ‘sticky notes’ thing nailed - what’s really missing is ‘agile for business’.

Can your teams translate speed at ‘tech level’ into velocity at business unit level?

We can...



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