Beating the Burnout and Getting Out of Overwhelm in January
Claire Hetherington Darr
?? You can have it all ?? Find relief from burnout ??Helping you fix a broken dreamer???? Leading you to your engaged purpose in life so that you can thrive financially and personally ?? You can be happy AND make money!
Welcome to Transformational Living, the monthly newsletter for high-performance professionals, bringing you practical strategies to re-connect to your purpose, create sustainable success and ultimately leading you to your dream life. Enjoy and thanks for reading!
It’s quickly approaching the end of January and chances are you might be feeling a little overwhelmed and burned out already, perhaps feeling worn out from all the ‘new year, new me’ rhetoric. I’m hearing this from a lot of my clients right now.?
And now the thought of moving into February without all your ducks in a row probably feels draining and let’s be honest just a little bit depressing just to think about!?
The good news is - it’s not too late, and you don’t have to buy into this soul-sucking narrative!?
I know when I worked as an Attorney, I would get to this time of the year and I’d think how did I get into this level of overwhelm again? I’d started the previous year promising myself that I’d spend more time with my family, more time on my health and more time creating a healthy work-life balance. It used to frustrate me, and it made me feel that time was running out to make significant changes and equally my girls were growing up so quickly and I was missing out.?
Reclaiming your motivation and creating that elusive peace you are yearning for doesn’t need to be hard, or another thing to add to your to-do list.?
Here’s a quick video with some goal-setting tips I ran through with my client group this week. CLICK HERE .?
According to 89% of workers in the US have experienced burnout within the past year, with 21% of workers saying their company does not offer any program to help alleviate burnout.?
Pretty startling figures right?? I bet you are tired of just going through the motions, running from one emergency to the next, feeling on high alert permanently and not knowing how to get out of this overwhelm.?
Wanting more for your life is perfectly natural. And you know that old saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’? Well, it’s true.?
This is why I’m hosting the 5-Day FREE Beat the Burnout Immersive Workshop at 12pm CST on January 29th - February 2nd and I would LOVE for you to be there.?
If not now, then when??
This is the perfect time of year for this immersive workshop. It will give you the proven incremental steps and strategies to get you unstuck and tap back into your motivation va va voom! Let's get focused and ultimately overcome BURNOUT!
It’s so easy to jump on the hamster wheel of life at this time of year, working towards your New Year resolutions and goals, trying to get the family back into a routine after the festive period, running all the errands and feeling overwhelmed and in exactly the same place as you were at the beginning of last year.?
I’m not saying this to make you feel worse, quite the opposite! I hope it serves as a little pattern interrupt for you.?
The main message of this Newsletter is to let you know IT IS NOT TOO LATE! Just because we are over halfway through January does not mean it's game over for your goal-setting and setting yourself up for success.?
When I ran this workshop in November, I received feedback that people were ready to go deeper. Now when I say ‘go deeper’ I don’t mean that I’ve turned this into an onerous, work-heavy workshop that’s just another thing on your to-do list. I get it! I was you a few years ago, so I know first-hand how investing an hour a day for 5 days is a big ask. This is exactly why the areas that I focus on are done in a way that is EASY and demonstrates that you can create real change without hard work.?
My friend Nathalie Pincham reached out to me last month and asked me to participate in a summit. But not just any summit - she wanted this online event to feature the best of the best: LIVE interviews and supporting resources packed with value.?
No information overload. Just the help you really need.
Of course, I put my hand up to be a part of it.?
It's The Success Alchemy Summit (and it’s totally free!)?
Every single talk and resource is aimed at helping you grow your business/career in a way that feels inspiring and uplifting and simplifies your next steps with strategies that work!
So I wanted to make sure that you tune in on Wednesday, Jan 24th at 1pm central to join my LinkedIn Live as part of the Success Alchemy Summit!
I’ll be talking to summit host, Nathalie Pincham about strategies to Beat Burnout.
Click here to register for the Summit and access my talk and free resources.??
I want to make your journey out of overwhelm as easy as possible, and for this reason, I have a ton of free resources to help:?
Looking forward to seeing you in January at some of these great events.
My love and light to you
Claire? xx