Beating the Blues

Beating the Blues

If you’ve been keeping up to date with the latest news from the fascinating world of medical research, you’ll know that depression is on the increase across the globe and that anti-depressant prescriptions are being offered in unprecedented quantities. Clearly, if the drugs were able to resolve the causes of depression rather than merely treating the symptoms, we wouldn’t be facing this mental and emotional health crisis. If we’re serious about helping people to recover from this debilitating condition, then it’s time to recognise that this is an issue that deserves our fullest attention.

It’s true that life can appear to be exceptionally tough but are today’s conditions more difficult than they were in the past? Why are so many people falling into a pit of despair where they no longer feel that they’re in control of their lives? Were we trained to be mentally tougher in by-gone ages? Did we have better coping mechanisms for dealing with life’s uncertainties? What is so different about today that so many people are suffering from depression?

Let’s start by remembering that depression is often caused by a feeling of losing control over our lives. That’s where a skilled therapist can offer a guiding hand to restore a healthier and more balanced perspective that leads to recovery. We know that changes in posture can exert a powerful influence over how we feel. Releasing tension in shoulder, neck and jaw muscles can trigger a release of emotional tension and anxiety. When we breathe more deeply, we allay our doubts and fears and anxieties. It’s how we’re wired as a species. A calmer, clearer outlook helps us to see things more clearly without the fog of fear to distort our perception. It can also be very helpful to get busy. Physical activity has many benefits for improving our mood and the simple tasks of tidying up our home or garden can be surprisingly therapeutic. By demonstrating our control over our immediate environment, we learn to shift our sense of control to other areas of our lives.

Perhaps the challenges of the past were different but we naturally faced them as small, cohesive and mutually-supportive groups. Being in close contact with loving, caring and helpful individuals can prove extremely effective in facing all of life’s problems. Reach out to family and friends today and rediscover the importance of this strengthening and affirming set of connections.

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