Beating Blue Monday and the winter productivity slump
Falling on the third Monday in January – this year it’s the 16th – Blue Monday is supposedly the most ‘depressing’ day of the year. Did you know Blue Monday was invented by a holiday company as a PR campaign to help sell holidays back in 2005? Their not-so-scientific approach involved identifying a combination of factors that can make us feel down during the month.
The weather, short dark days, post-festive break lull and re-acclimatisation back to work can all contribute to making us all feel a bit low at this time of year. For those with depression or who experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD), it can make their symptoms worse.
The winter blues can also affect our energy and motivation. A 2017 study by US-based project management software company Redbooth found that productivity in the workplace drops during January and February. Analysing its data over a four-year period, it discovered that winter is the least productive season, with users completing only 22.8% of their annual tasks on average, compared to 27.3% in the autumn.
To support your team and colleagues through this winter productivity drop and help protect them against the things that might trigger a low mood, you could share these ideas for combating the winter blues.
Ask logical questions to look at the situation differently, like am I trying to interpret this without all the evidence? Am I 100% certain this is true?
Finally, it is important to acknowledge that stress, anxiety or depression are not confined to a day in January. The Health and Safety Executive recently estimated that 30.8 million working days in 2021/22 were lost to work-related ill health – 55% due to symptoms of common mental health conditions.
Anyone who’s feeling especially down or depressed should seek support, talking to their GP about what help is available. They could also try cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which is very effective at treating depression. Depending on where you live in the UK, you may be able to access text-based CBT with ieso through your GP. Find out if you are eligible here.
If you live in the US, you can access further support by contacting your Primary Care Physician or learn about alternate options here.