Beat the stigma and return to work
NetConnect Global is a leading technology and service partner to Global Captive Centers.
More often than not, people are scared to experiment with their career trajectory. They are more comfortable following conventional ways of working to avoid any hurdles in their professional lives. However, this situation might not be ideal for everyone alike. There are times when a working professional might have to discontinue their regular job for some time. It being an unusual step for professionals comes with a lot of hesitation and anxiety. One of the primary reasons behind this hesitation is to face the aftermath of having a gap in one's work experience by losing a future job or growth opportunity.
People who are not in a financial crunch might have to take a break because of several personal reasons. Physical or mental health issues and aiding newborns are some common reasons for people to take some time off from work. Sometimes, people simply want to spend some time exploring their other skills than for which they are employed. There can be a wide range of reasons for one to take a break from their regular jobs. Either way, it should not have to cost them a successful career when they do return to work.
Sometimes, employers have a preconceived notion of being unsuitable for people applying for jobs after having a gap in their work experience. This might stem from their belief that having spent some time away from the industry could have kept them apart from the latest developments and trends, etc. They might also feel that having been away from on-site jobs, there can be a depreciation of people's technical skills and knowledge.
As we discussed, there are a lot of reasons for which an individual might take a break in their career, but the most important thing to remember is that it is okay to take a break and still return to have a normal and successful career. Taking a career break does not mean that we start from square one. We can use this time to broaden our skillsets and introspect which direction we want to take our careers. Our capabilities should decide our suitability for a job and not the gap in our careers.
In India, career breaks have been stigmatized for a very long time. Even if it is a voluntary break, it is viewed with scepticism. But, the conversation around career breaks has started to change in India in the past decade. A lot of companies now have launched their back to work programs, which help professionals to enter the workforce again.
Reentering the workforce can be a bit intimidating. Therefore, before finding a job after a career break, the first thing we can do is to analyze ourselves. After understanding how the career gap has changed us and affected our skills, we will be in a better position to access ourselves and the work market.