Beat the Monday Blues - We can’t deny but Monday morning blues affect employees in more ways than one.

Beat the Monday Blues - We can’t deny but Monday morning blues affect employees in more ways than one.

Whether you love your job or you don’t, Monday morning blues is real. And it is not just the lazy ones who complain about it, the most productive employees also get bogged down by Monday blues. It is generally seen as contagious; if one person in the team is low on morale on a Monday morning, it is quickly transmitted to other team members. And before you know it, it has affected everyone.

Try and plan ahead for Monday

Free your mind from the lazy weekend syndrome

Weekends are generally lazy, so on Monday our mind wakes up with the same weekend-feeling. And within a few seconds, our mind into the rush-mode, and in the process might not complete important work in the morning which leads to foul mood. Skipping breakfast is the easiest option. But that doesn’t help at work. It is not possible to complete a task in an empty stomach. Getting up a bit early might help in structuring the day much better and can help in doing away with the blues.

Beat the blues with good lunch

Pack some good food for lunch. Good food is always a huge stress buster.

Have some post-work plan

Planning something interesting, dance programmes, attending music sessions, going out for movies, and timeout with colleagues – are ways to beat the blues.

It is possible to have a cheerful Monday with a positive mind-set to work. A challenging workplace with enthusiastic and motivating team members will help blues go away in a jiffy.

Browns Recruitment Group can certainly assist in making sure you never have the Monday Blue Feeling ever again.

Get in touch today to see how we can help you.


