Beat the Jews, take out your frustration on them, beat them until their light goes out
Yossi Einhoren
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Beat the Jews, take your frustration out on them, beat them until their light goes out, this is the slogan in the world when people are at a loss, frustrated with their lives and diverted by interested parties.
It's not a movie with a happy ending, it's an endless series that has a wide fan base.
True, according to the Torah, God promised that Jews would be a light to the Gentiles, and indeed he keeps this light sometimes with a strong light and sometimes with a dimmer light, but the light does not go out.
From the dawn of Jewish history we have always had to run away, hide and assimilate into the nations in order to live and survive.
Avraham left Aram Naharim because he thought differently from everyone else around him, arrived in the State of Israel and even here his life was not easy, continuous struggles with the residents of the area and in addition struggles within the family.
In the end what overcame was the long drought that prevailed in the country and he was forced to migrate with his whole family to Egypt.
At first they lived a good life there due to the fact that Joseph his son managed to get into power.
Over time, they became a large and influential group in Egypt to such an extent that the government felt threatened and began a campaign of oppression and slavery.
Once again there was someone who rose to a position in the Egyptian government without intending to, but unfortunately he was a moral person and demanded justice both between the Egyptians themselves and between the Egyptians and the Jews, a fact that ultimately led him to become the public envoy of the Jews to the Egyptian government
He eventually managed to get the Jews out of Egypt and lead them to the outskirts of the State of Israel to settle the land.
The journey back to the Land of Israel returned the Jews to the State of Israel after many years in exile and after forty years of journeying in the desert and wars with enemies who tried to destroy the Jewish people (Amalek, the generic name of a people) conquered the Land of Israel after long wars and settled in it.
Over the years, many nations tried to conquer the land, some succeeded and some did not, and Israel rose and fell again and again until a massive expulsion of the Jews from the State of Israel took place.
During the exile of the Jews from the State of Israel, many pogroms were committed against the Jews in different parts of the world and the worst of all was the Holocaust that was committed against the Jews during World War II.
The Jews have always been blamed for the diseases and problems that peoples around the world had and what is easier than to blame the Jews and hurt them and take out the frustration and leaders took advantage of this to establish or stabilize their rule and thus divert the crowd against the Jews.
After World War II and following two world wars, the world decided to make some order and try to stop fighting each other and on this occasion they also allowed the Jewish people to return after 2000 years to the State of Israel and establish a Jewish state, it was a "consolation gift, a kind of cheap toy that probably won't last".
The surrounding countries rubbed their hands, their unstable regime is about to receive a shot of encouragement by directing the hatred of their subjects to the State of Israel and the Jews in general.
In some countries the hatred is conditional and in some it has even been radicalized, but the demon of hatred cannot be put back in the bottle at this moment and it is found here and now.
During these years, rivalries developed between powerful forces that used different nations to fight each other and mainly used the State of Israel and the regional conflict to serve their interests and these were always momentary short-term interests without looking at the future of the world even if they painted it that way.
There have always been and always will be wars between different countries around the world but since Obama came to power in the United States and received the Nobel Peace Prize even before he did anything for peace, he encouraged the Arab Spring which was not really successful and caused a massive migration of people from Africa and Asia towards Europe, the United States and other countries.
This immigration threatens to change and has already changed the face of Europe and the United States, instead of the immigrants being assimilated into the European population, the European population is being assimilated into the immigrant population, the immigrants receive a radical Islamic education that is easy to divert.
European extremist cells rise from their slumber and use the wave to their advantage. If Europe does not come to its senses, it will quickly turn from Christian to Islamic, which will again lead to future religious wars and future massacres, so that most of compassion will bring and upon themselves.
The State of Israel over all its governments became addicted to the relative peace that developed here and put the devil in a balloon and did not capture it, so that the balloon inflated both in Gaza and in Lebanon until the balloon in Gaza exploded on 7/10/2023 with the Hamas attack on Jewish settlements near the border with Gaza during an invasion by Hamas and "Non-involved residents" of the settlements killing innocents rape and kidnapping living people as well as corpses for future bargaining while committing many war crimes.
To the residents of the State of Israel it felt like a second holocaust. People rallied and fought back to destroy the ideological enemy and return the bodies and the abductees, as well as to fulfill the saying after the great holocaust "never again".
In the beginning the Western powers supported us as long as we were beaten, but as time went by it became clear that most of them and the most important ones among them are broken reeds that do not allow us to win and prevent us from doing things that will shorten the war and the suffering of the innocent people on both sides, thus prolonging the humanitarian suffering on both sides and Hamas even Trying to perpetuate it.
Make no mistake the policies of the countries of the world will not allow us to destroy Hamas or get Hizbullah to be a safe mediator so that we can live in peace.
It is convenient for everyone to keep the conflict on, a low heat and use it when it is convenient for them including such countries that say they are friendly to us.
This fact said that we cannot rely on our friendship but only on ourselves and we will probably always have to hold our sword with one trusting hand and the other hand to reach out for the peace of long-term or short-term interests.
The State of Israel has always relied on other countries for the supply of weapons, food and other things, it is convenient but not always particularly appropriate that the countries are a broken barrel.
The development of the Levy plane was like the development of the Merkava tank and other measures proved that we are able to develop our own weapons of war and not rely on foreign countries.
In the beginning we were an agricultural country that provided the world with many ways to develop agriculture in the world and ?up to this day, such as the global water crisis, but unfortunately and being a people that prefers to dwell on the future over the present, instead of developing agriculture and industry we preferred to import from abroad and enslave ourselves to countries that willingly open their exports to us and some of them close.
In the short term, the argument is that it lowers prices, which is not proven, and the consumer price index only increases. We must develop agriculture and industry in Israel that can provide us with our existential and military needs and not be on the table of others.
After the closure of the lvea project, which was a serious competition for the warplane industry in the United States, they convinced the heads of state that the United States would provide us with our needs for war, and instead they let us engage in the development of defense rather than attack systems, which were not popular at the time.
Our success in developing defensive measures such as the Iron Dome and the Arrow made us indifferent to the actions carried out on us by Hamas and other affiliates from the Gaza Strip.
We were so addicted that we were ready to pay a ransom to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, which means we inflated the Gaza balloon more and more and all this under the pressure of the nations of the world and "the countries that support us"
We must not delude ourselves, we will never have to take hold of the sword to protect ourselves and if we do not do this we will know our end, yes even when the "Days of the Messiah" come.
In light of the developments in the world and the formation of blocs of countries and wars, the world is probably going to a third world war in the near future and we must prepare for it as soon as possible.