Quick Fixes to Beat Jet Lag like a Pro
Excessive travelling is part of a modern life and jet lag is something that people flaunt in among st family and friends to show their busy life. Jet lag is not a badge of honor, but can be a serious problem that can affect your lifestyle starting from your weight to bipolar disorder.
‘Desynchronises’ is the medical term used for jet lag. It means your circadian rhythm, your body clock is out of sync. Your body thinks that it is still in one time zone, but it is physically somewhere else. It is a foolish feeling that your body deals with for a day or two. It is partly a result of dehydration (loss of water and electrolytes like sodium) It starts on airplane voyage.
If you are a mom and travelling with baby, plan everything in advance. While you can’t move entirely to your destination time zone to your home but probably can nudge your baby’s schedule in that direction.
Well, here are some quick fixes to cope up with jet lag -
1) Avoid eating on board.
2) Try to shift your sleeping schedule ahead or behind by few hours.
3) Drink at least double the amount of fluid when you are on the ground.
4) If you have to cover long journey, just roam around inside the plane. Sitting continuously can make you feel fizzy.
5) Avoid alcohol.
6) Try to sleep at the same time you sleep at your home.
7) Try to fool yourself by changing your socks in the long journey and go and brush your teeth if possible. Doing this makes your brain think that it’s a new day. :P
8) Resist the urge of full meal. Go for sprouts if available.
9) Set your watch to local time of your destination.
10) Talk to strangers, make friends.
11) Try to expose yourself to natural sunlight.
12) Keep yourself engaged in some activity.
So there you go folks, I hope this advice boils down to the essentials tips to cope up with the modern demon called Jet Lag.
Keep Travelling!