Beat the Holiday Rush: How to Find a Job Now
Harvey John
Specialist Accountancy, Tax & Treasury, and Legal recruiters operating across the UK & EMEA.
The lights are on, the trees are up, the songs are on the radio, and the adverts have been running for months already. Yes, the Christmas season is once again upon us. Have you bought all the presents you need already? Then what’s causing your anxiety? Is it because when you get asked what you want for Christmas, all you can think to respond is: I want to find a job now!
You might assume that December is one of the hardest times of year to look for a new job. The end of the month is dominated by a two-week period in which half of us aren’t working. And the preceding weeks are full of people shopping, cooking, and anticipating the festivities ahead. You might expect to find the process taking longer and running less smoothly. With various people out of the office, you might worry that it will take longer for your CV to be viewed and assessed, that you’ll struggle to get an interview coordinated, and that you’ll be lucky to achieve anything until the New Year.
So is it better to just wait until next year?
Actually, no.
You might not think December is the right time to start searching, but it is! At Harvey John, we still have interviews lined up and ongoing for our candidates. It’s also a great time to demand extra attention from recruiters and any prospective employers we send you to. Lots of candidates are far too distracted by turkey, sugarplums, and presents under the tree to think about applying for a new role. Less competition in the job market means you’ll stand out to any employer we send you to.
So don’t put off until the New Year what you can do today. Make these weeks count. Give us a call, let us dive into detail about what you’re looking for, discuss all your options with you, and take the time to plan who we’ll approach on your behalf. We can’t promise that the entire process will be wrapped up by December 25th. However, by starting now, and making the most of the end of the year, we can help you find a great new job to tear open as early as possible in the New Year. At the very least, you can use this time to?work on your cover letter, fix some things that might not be working on your CV, and think about what to expect from an?interview, so you’re match-fit for the New Year job search.
The Harvey John team is here to assist with your December job search.