The Bearers of Evil and the fall of US ! CHECKMATE !
Checkmate - By Kit R. Olsen -
Yes, it is coming-God's unstoppable victory. All those who oppose and deny Him will get the shock of their lives when they face the King of the universe on their day of eternal judgment. And long before that, they will experience God's hard-hitting judgments and wrath as this world continues to move at breakneck speed toward the final days of world history. This spiritual war is manifesting itself in many ways; one obvious way is the growing culture war between traditional conservative values and the socialist/communist "progressive" ideology.
The battle for our Republic is astounding. All the enemies of the risen Christ are working relentlessly day and night to undermine those who stand in the way of implementing their oppressive government of a new world order, as they methodically bully their way to take our nation down to third world status-where only those at the very top would thrive (for a while).
Our patriotic president and all freedom loving patriotic Americans stand in their way. The globalist hierarchy want weak people in positions of power that they can control like puppets. The outlandish shameful insults against President Trump, his family and all those who disagree with the radical left's freedom-choking ideology-has risen to a level never before seen.
It is all out war for these misfits who are determined to steal our nation. The weak-kneed establishment Republicans are as bad as the Democrats. The majority of the Republicans are trying to sabotage President Trump. They do not want his populist, economic nationalist agenda to be implemented. If our president is greatly marginalized by the enemies that surround him, the sovereignty of our country may be in grave danger. The leftist activist judges who have no regard for the rule of law are also a huge problem-they are determined to usurp our president's constitutional authority on very serious matters including those that affect the safety of all Americans.
On September 19, 2017 President Trump, the leader of the free world, delivered a very powerful courageous speech to the UN general assembly, stressing the importance of national sovereignty. He also stated that the U.S. will of course work with our allies but America's interests must come first, and that we will not be taken advantage of-reminding other nations that they must do their part. This type of message is long overdue, something the UN is not accustomed to hearing from previous American presidents; there was no apologizing or kowtowing. President Trump pointed out the failure of socialism throughout the world, strongly denounced the atrocious Iranian deal, rebuked the extremely dangerous actions of North Korea and addressed many other important issues. After the speech the liberal media and the Democrats immediately started going crazy with their ridiculous customary left-wing spin, trying to undermine our president with their bitter negativity, lies and accusations-misrepresenting and ripping apart the excellent points he made.
It is unclear where the United States falls prophetically in the very last days, but Scripture tells us that three kings will not go along with the Antichrist, that "he shall put down three" during the second half of the Tribulation (Revelation 17:12-14). Three of the ten kings who hinder the Antichrist during the first half of the Tribulation will succeed in putting him to death, but his "death" is not permanent.
The entire world will be shocked when through Satan's power, the Antichrist is resuscitated back to life. This will give him incredible confidence. It is then that he will go into the temple of God in Jerusalem and in no uncertain terms declare himself to be God (as prophesied in 2 Thessalonians 2:4-5). According to Daniel 7, the civil governments of the three kings will be destroyed by the Antichrist after he is resuscitated by Satan's power.
"And as for the ten horns, out of this kingdom shall ten kings arise: and another shall arise after them; and he shall be diverse from the former, and he shall put down three kings." (Daniel 7:24)
We don't know if the U.S. will be one of the three kings but if President Trump is able to fend off his enemies and prevail, our country could be delayed from being totally overtaken by the evil globalists until the second half of the Tribulation. But we simply cannot know for sure.
Rev. 17:12-14 - "And the ten horns that thou sawest are ten kings, who have received no kingdom as yet; but they receive authority as kings, with the beast, for one hour. These have one mind, and they give their power and authority unto the beast."
The ten horns are the ten rulers (kings) of the Tribulation. The one hour is an illustration which denotes the short time these rulers will have to exert their power during the Tribulation. They exist and rule somewhat independently during the first half of the Tribulation, but throughout the second half, they will totally submit to the authority of the beast (Antichrist), and give him all the resources of their nations, including their armies.
Whenever the media or others on the left start attacking a situation or a particular person, we can be sure that those who support the diabolical open borders anti-American "progressive" socialist/communist manifesto-are attempting to silence the rational views of their freedom loving opponents. They deliberately make false statements even when the truth has been brought to light-revealing their arrogant, willfully ignorant desperation. The leftist media try to intimidate people into silence by ruthlessly vilifying them. Overthrowing our free-market system and the total destabilization of our Republic is their end goal.
Melania's shoes (very nice by the way) topped the headline news worthiness over the thousands of people suffering in Texas when Hurricane Harvey brutalized the Houston area. Every day the liberal media expose themselves for the petty fools that they are with their pathetically juvenile behavior. The liberal media's technique of trying to shame people into submission by scolding them is one of the oldest tricks of leftist radical revolutionaries. Think back to the many times Barack Hussein Obama scolded and mocked Christians, Jews, Israel, conservatives, the police, etc., while he defended irrational violent individuals and groups.
He continues to do this today from his "Resist Trump" bunker in his $8.1 million walled mansion located close to the White House. What a classless sorry example of a former "president." His communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, had an enormous impact on the development of Obama's Anti-American world views along with the Anti-American radicals, Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers.
Yet it is the radical left that shouts, "Can't we all just get along?" as they work ruthlessly to dismantle our nation. These disturbers are hypocrites with outrageously hard to take double standards. They do not hesitate to seize every opportunity to denigrate President Trump and his family, insult those with conservative views and mock those who have traditional Judeo-Christian beliefs.
The know-it-all elitists are surely demonically enabled patsies, satanically empowered, blindly walking into the devil's trap of eternal imprisonment. Fools! They might think they are in charge and on top of the world but they are in for a very rude awakening. All those who are part of the onslaught of the incessant visceral hatred against God and country are destined for the shock and awe reality of Antichrist's iron-fisted despotism. Without repentance their eternal demise is a reality-as clearly etched within the pages of the Bible.
The people who are doing the devil's bidding, and remain on earth after the Rapture will have to deal with ruthless totalitarianism-the most horrific time this world has ever known. They may cheer, gloat and rejoice after the Lord rescues true believers from this demonically infested world, but their celebrating won't last long. They will soon find themselves living under the most evil dictatorial regime mankind has ever faced.
Even those who have positions at the top of Antichrist's dynasty will be woefully subservient to him, and some will regret the day they turned their backs on God and individual liberty. But some won't, because God will send a strong delusion to those who refuse to accept His truths. (It appears He is already sending that "strong delusion.")
"The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12).
Humanity as a whole is being methodically brainwashed by the most despicable deceitful vicious evil entities. The games these enemies of God are playing with other people's lives will backfire so severely, they won't know what hit them. The self-righteous individuals who blatantly mock God and Christians will be so aghast that they will have to create more "safe spaces." But they will quickly learn there is no such thing as a safe space for them in the post-Rapture world. They will have nowhere to run but into the deadly tentacles of Antichrist's one-world system of tyranny.
Some of these people are genuinely ignorant and some are willfully ignorant, stubbornly refusing to listen to the truth of God's Word, and recognize the real and present danger of the push for the loss of individual liberty and national sovereignty. They fall for the lies of the deranged liberal left who are constantly twisting the truth, reaching anyone they can influence with their deliberate distortions; a truly psychotic bunch.
Those who are protesting and violently rioting the loudest will be the first to be silenced when the Antichrist comes to power. Their usefulness will no longer be needed. I am not referencing only the paid lackeys causing chaos in the streets, I am referring to the politicians and the media who are experts at using sleight of mouth-misleading the public day after day.
Only a very disturbed highly immoral degenerate person can face their constituents time after time with a straight face and repeat the same lies again and again. A very small number of members of Congress are truly for the people of this country. The rest are all sell-outs who have perfected the art of deception. These turncoats have little or no intention of working to improve the lives of hard working Americans.
It is evident from listening to their doubletalk that they favor illegal aliens over patriotic Americans. They are part and parcel of the globalist agenda to gain more control over the lives of Americans and bring our nation down, so a one-world government can take hold. They are all power hungry double-crossing liars. They are deliberately trying to derail the implementation of our president's campaign promises to the American people. Their mission is to protect the D.C. Swamp and cater to special interest groups while undermining our president.
The indoctrination of communistic dictatorial principles has successfully infiltrated all areas of society. The liberal media, school teachers, university professors and politicians use the same method to brainwash the public-they repeat one lie after another to the point where the lies become so ingrained in the minds of low-information individuals that the falsehoods are processed as truth. Consequently, the recipients of the propaganda live in a delusional alternate reality without having a clue as to what is really going on, and have no idea how their freedoms are being chiseled away by the very people whom they foolishly defend.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20)
The blatant deception, the lying, the fear mongering, the berating of anything good, the bazaar hysteria and insane behavior on display today is unparalleled-all leading up to the time when these maligners will reap what they have sown. The arrogance and stupidity streaming from the liberal media, government, social media, liberal colleges, and many other walks of life-is unprecedented. An all-out attempt to repress individual thoughts and our constitutional rights is very evident.
It is obvious that many of these haters are programmed to behave like mindless robotic underlings (aka "snowflakes" and staged "protestors") for the globalist hierarchy-in order to fan the flames of conflict and division. It is as if all the demons in hell have attached themselves to those who are perpetually behaving like maniacal fools without an iota of common sense. It is more evident than ever that the "mystery of lawlessness" is already at work preparing the world for the Antichrist's reign of terror.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12).
The NFL players who refuse to stand for our National Anthem are a prime example of the demoralization of our society as a whole. They are a disgrace and are setting a very bad example for our youth. These spoiled brat privileged athletes live lavish lifestyles of self-indulgence in our country where brave men have given their lives so they can have opportunities which they could never have anywhere else.
Yet these extremely wealthy whiners show zero gratitude for the immense blessings given to them in the greatest nation on earth. Shame on them for being such unappreciative prima donnas. They are part of the "It's All About Me" syndrome that has reached epidemic proportions throughout the world.
"But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away" (2 Timothy 3:1-5).
It is also very disconcerting to see some professing Christians defend the lies of the liberal left and fall for their indoctrination. They seem to have a real disconnect with the truths of the Bible. Instead of steadfastly getting to know God's inerrant Word, they rely upon the crooked media and other biblically illiterate friends and associates to form their opinions. Anyone can claim to be a Christian, attend church and talk about God's blessings, but when their core beliefs clearly go against the truths of God's Word, and they side with the enemies of God-they are kidding themselves. They, too, will have to answer for their willful ignorance.
A changed life fully devoted to the Lord, one of obedience and not rebellion, is a mark of a true believer. Sadly, many have made professions of faith and believe they are saved, although they continue to live self-serving carnal lives. It seems that God is used as somewhat of an ornament-window dressing-for these questionable Christians. They seem to worship a god of their own design, much like the New Agers.
"Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby. For narrow is the gate, and straitened the way, that leadeth unto life, and few are they that find it" (Matthew 7:13-14).
Many who claim to be Christians are not true Christians at all; they do not have an authentic born-again relationship with Christ. They have not surrendered their lives to Him. Instead they live for their own self-indulgent pleasures. They think they are just fine the way they are-only to one day hear, "I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!" (Matthew 7:23b NIV).
These "Christians" are part of the dumbed-down masses who are too stubborn, self-righteous and spiritually blind to even think that they might be wrong. It is very risky for those who attempt to make God over in their own image. Some have fallen for the "social justice" victimization rhetoric of the radical left and are confused, but not confused enough to want to snap out of their ignorance.
Those demanding "social justice" should visit some third world countries and get a taste of real life social injustice. Perhaps then they would start to appreciate the blessings of this great nation and stop complaining. Maybe they would stop playing the blame-game and stop incessantly using the race card as an excuse to demand special privileges when more often than not, the lack of personal responsibility is at the crux of a problem.
The liberal media have a pattern of making excuses for the destructive and dangerous behavior of those who would not hesitate to assault them. Their na?veté is mind-bending. Not one sane and decent person could possibly condone Black Lives Matter-these racist antagonists who call for the death of police officers as they march and chant, "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon." Yet the liberal media play down the seriousness of the evil violent racist rhetoric of this group and others, which shows that they are reprobates to the max.
These enemies of liberty want to create racial tension and divide our country; the liberal media have no qualms about creating fake news stories out of nothing to cause tension among the population. Of course our president is their primary punching bag. They are always trying to discredit him. We must continue to pray for him, especially for his safety. The righteous indignation-the drama of all those on the left is so ridiculously grandiose that their lack of intellectual prowess is blaringly evident.
The liberal media "news" outlets manipulate their reports to essentially protect criminals, illegal aliens, liars and terror wielding individuals (which include, the violent fascist Antifa thugs, the violent Black Lives Matter thugs, Islamic terrorists, dangerous criminal gangs, etc.). They glamorize "Sanctuary Cities" where illegal alien criminals are free to roam around in "select" communities endangering men, women and children. Everything is politicized by the liberal media and the left, to suit their Anti-American agenda.
It will be an arduous road for those who reject the living God. Those who continue their God-rejecting delusional rants and exhibit their irrational hostility toward those who hold to conservative biblical views, and pledge allegiance to our country will pay a very costly eternal price in the lake of fire with no chance of pardon or escape.
The apostle Paul described Satan as the "prince and power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2). It is evident that Satan has authentic power in this world. The overwhelming onslaught of wickedness has saturated all cultures and is escalating; the lies and deception are swiftly intensifying-causing so many to perilously yield to the dark side. This all points to the nearness of the Rapture and the prophesied seven-year Tribulation.
"We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (1 John 5:19).
Liberal media (saps) are the most diabolical effective purveyors of the devil's wicked agenda. Their propaganda reaches all over the world through the air waves via the Internet, television, social media and radio. But the day is coming when the lies and efforts of all the forces of evil will come to an abrupt halt.
King Jesus will position Himself where not one evil God-rejecting individual, not one king of this world will be able to make a move. The game will be over for all the players. It will be the ultimate checkmate when the King of kings and Lord of lords returns, annihilates the evil in this broken world and ushers in the glorious new millennial kingdom. To God be the glory forever and ever.