Bearer Service easy to understand

Bearer Service easy to understand

Imagine you have two TASSTA walkie-talkie applications and want to send your college a secure message. You press the PTT button, your voice travels through the airwaves, your friend's T.Flex walkie-talkie application picks it up, and voilà! Voice, Video or Message delivered.

That's where Bearer Service (BS) comes in! Think of it as a special tunnel built just for different types of information. Instead of just voices, BS can carry pictures, songs, video calls, and even text messages!

Here's how it works:

  1. Your T.Flex phone or T.Rodon dispatcher computer create the information you want to send (the picture, voice, files etc.).
  2. BS is like the tunnel: It takes the information and puts it into special packages that can travel through the network (imagine tiny boxes containing your picture!).
  3. The network is like the airwaves: The packages travel through cables, satellites, or even the air to reach your colleague's device.
  4. Your colleague's device unpacks the boxes: It takes the information out of the BS packages and shows your colleague the picture, plays the voice, or displays the text message.

So, Bearer Service is basically the high-speed delivery truck for all sorts of information in the world of telecommunications. It makes sure your voice, videos, and everything else reach their destination safely and quickly!

Bearer Service is the special tunnel that makes it possible to send all sorts of information through the magic of telecommunications!


