Bear or Premier
Veronika ?uffová-Kun?ová
Content, sense, law and sensibility with a zest of creativity.
The most?important?topic in recent?times,?in our country, apart from the Penal Code stand-off, was whether?hungry, naughty, and over-preserved brown bears descending from their heights to unprotected baits should be shot?or not.
It came to a direct attack on the passing-by.
As if this country?hadn't?other problems.?Well, and then the world discovered that it has.
For?a long?period, abetting and condoning hatred has been trendy. Slovak people like a picture of a public?enemy,?that encapsulates all sorts of evil.?This?is not in some way at odds but very consistent with foreign policies of any?'West'?or?'East'?country.
Most commonly, it is a political opponent, but also a foreign power, the oppressor, who we relate that evil to too indulged in labeling ourselves innocent victims.
Nonetheless, not to shift away too far from our daily life, the life of us COMMON PEOPLE, I assume many have experienced hatred or ostracizing in the workplace or at school.?
The more people stand out, the more they get cut to size, patronized like small kids at the bare minimum, or ridiculed, backstabbed, smudged, discredited, and based upon bias and false allegations dismissed, fired, once an attack against them scales up tantamount to leverage of wild?bison’s?herd, comprised of cronies and nepotists, or just lazy and out of touch, mediocre folks, struggling for power by means against which it is impossible to defend with a flint spear and goodwill.?
They are not bona fidae.
If you?don’t?surrender or give over to them they program?permanent?war footing with you.
Robert Fico is far away from me. The style of politicians is far away from me.
I have a different Savior.
When I pray, I do not wish anyone harm.
Nonetheless, I ask for a higher justice.
I formulate a positive prayer, wishing that the higher power protects my country from a military conflict or nuclear war and that my country stays liveable. I pray for the benefit of my?family,?and my close ones, that we?stay?close and solidary one to another.
Be this?true, it would already constitute a big thing.
Sometimes, I present an?issue, again,?without delving into negative emotions.
We must?acknowledge,?that this Pentecost has been rich in answers.
Based upon the collective consciousness?global?justice pursues high-ranking individuals, and several Mephisto figures have?been stricken?by the act of?‘providence‘.
And?suddenly?I hear from Mdme?leaving?president that we all are responsible. For the attack.?That it became a collective thing.?An outcome of a collective effort.
I am not accountable for?the move of?a labile and potentially crime-prone person?unless?someone holds a claim of my prior, direct or indirect instigation of that person, in a causal nexus with the deed.
I have seen plenty of whodunits reposing upon the weirdest plots.?
This would be?a collective effort provided we believe in COLLECTIVE VOODOO.
Let’s?get the?chaff?out of the wheat.
The perpetrator had staunchly defended his deed, apparently having a sore stomach from the?Premier‘s?frequency. Listening to a leaking video, even Lee Harvey Oswald proponents would pale with envy at such overprogramming.
The perpetrator is a 71 retiree, whom the media (based upon what, self-certification?) call an intellectual, a writer, and a poet, a puff of loftiness in a stark contradiction to the brutality of the attack. He worked as a security guard in a supermarket in reality.
Yet, the perpetrator is perplexed about the law and order.
The perpetrator lives in his universe, part of which became his active political stance?show-off,?ergo opponency to the present government,?particularly the fourth-time elected premier.?At least it suggests his perplexed psychological profile we can composite from the info upon which?lies no information embargo side?of the general prosecutor.
Once pacifist now radical he’s?allegedly showing no remorse, postulating a?'right to act?‘?despite being apprehended and charged with a?premeditated?murder attempt.
The perpetrator acts according to?“Get rid of what?doesn't?suit you“.
Hence, against?the setting of?what is but?gainsays his ideal worldview, he grabs a gun and proceeds to dispose of the game of prey.?
Reportedly?abetted by a GANG OF DISABLED, a man with a fair vision and a woman with a fair audition (or vice versa) who managed to delete the content of his Facebook account.?
No CIA coup against a (dangerous) pro-Russia stance, no Ukraine involvement due to the (vain) approximation efforts towards Russia?the world's?top pariah the new world order must reckon with.?
Just a?“Black and White“?aberration.
@Scott Ritter, famous for drawing insane plots, I know you hate your government, but this one is again out of whack.?You’re?so ugly to Ukrainians! However, I have to say they have not muscled up for the ongoing information war. Never supported my them-supported posts?which?is a pity because my visibility would augment theirs.?
Here is my facts-based psychoanalyze:
Robert Fico was virulent. He was virulent against anyone who wanted to send him to prison.
He was virulent against anyone who dared to confront him. Who didn’t?just scratch the surface but dug deeper.
He pursued four cardinal points-oriented survival strategy, arbitrarily skipping Ukraine to the right of us?sliding?on the slippery slope toward the big bear. The?patron.
Many viewed the point-blank power seizure as a backsliding of our democracy. Infantile democracy, I have to say.?
Robert Fico is not a Teddy Bear. He loves the power.
He was virulent against NGOs, public?as well as?private broadcast and television, and...I can continue.?This?is just an enumerative list.?
Yes, he did some laudable things in the past, for sure.
Yes, he could have had some good ideas even now.
Yes, there was a horrible collective mess-up under the previous government.
I have lived out the total indecency of their nominees by the effect of which I was personally hit and went out of the game.?
But the same thing happened to me (and a couple of others,?to?be honest) under Smer nominees.
I have some issues with NOMINEES, perhaps.
I have an aversion to those who suck up to someone, perhaps.
That had led me to be on loose ends.
I keep expressing my personal views and will be.
I will oppose both unipolar and bipolar geopolitics and stick to multilateralism.
No U.S.A. sphere or Russia or China sphere, but the U.S. (of the world).
I am who I am, and?certainly?not a hypocrite.
One part of the opposition spectrum believed that being vulgar and engaging in ostensible meeting-wrecking is their job.?
With a great dose of black humor, one would call this accomplished criminal offense consistency.?
For those who gruesomely incited hatred and gave way to the mentally labile?to shout loud libels and swear killing?now?join the 100 day-ceasefire bidding spouted by those who are called hypocrites. Robert Fico was not their neighbor?and?‘love your neighbor’?is out of vogue?anyway.
Moreover, he was denounced as evil by?scientists,?and actors,?in public protests as well as in private (Christian) media.
An uncanny frequency has stormed society, pierced through the politics, ravished, and abominated the fate of the whole country.
Already perplexed about clues, a great deal due to the self-gratifying of politicians, but also driving through the opacity of the online space, people?are fed?by conflicting information.
Our country is not polarized. Our country is fragmented?with?1/3 steadily not casting?ballots,?not twelve but 58 active parties, and at least 250,000 anti-systemic voters rebelling against everything, notably the structures Slovakia?was integrated?into, like the EU and NATO.?
Wake up.
There is no greater enemy than who resides (and rides hegemonically) within.
We perceive what is happening outside us only through what is happening within us, that is, what we have already contained within ourselves.
Outside is nothing but what is inside.
Inclusively the devil.
That so many associate with without remorse.
P.S. Slovak police charged several people with publicly abetting or condoning this criminal act. Expressing oneself can be suicidal. This article is an artistic expression displaying the irony of fate. As nothing?is set?in stone, and we have such trouble with framing out freedom of expression?limits?I keep my views on the criminal code, constitution, and the death penalty?private for a case may-be.?