Bear good fruit that will last
From today’s reading...
“I have chosen you from the world, says the Lord,
to go and bear fruit that will remain.”
I’ll summarize the rest of today’s reading with this: or else.
As the father of seven kids ranging from age 20 to 3 I’ve had a myriad of moments to see how children respond to carrots and sticks, opportunities and obstacles, praise and criticism, rules and freedom.
With such a large family we have to implement rules and insist they are followed.
We must assign chores and instill discipline.
What this means is that we must swiftly, consistently, and decisively demonstrate that actions have consequences, or it will be total chaos not only in our home but in our community as we release our little rapscallions into the wild.
However, the expectations we have of the 20 year old when he comes home from college are different than the 15 year old who is juggling soccer and school activities, which are different than the expectations we have of the nine year old.
But we have expectations of them all, even the three year old: or else.
My wife and I have provided “a vineyard on a fertile hillside.” We have spaded it, cleared it of stones, and planted the choicest vines.” We have “built a watchtower,” and we expect good grapes, not wide grapes.
When the wild grapes show we
“take away its hedge, give it to grazing,
break through its wall, let it be trampled!”
“Trampled” for a three year old throwing a fit means she sits in timeout until she calms down.
“Trampled” for a nine year old not doing her chores means no iPod until her chores are done as well as some extra chores.
“Trampled” for a newly-driving teenager may be taking away the car or being grounded for a night, or a weekend, or a week.
But trust me, in a household of nine, the wild grapes are trampled because we have high expectations for our little vineyard.
We have given them all we have and we expect them to “bear fruit that will remain.”
Your Father expects the same of you.
The journey is long and winding.
You need plenty of good fruit to not only help you but those around you...
Stay the course.
Keep the faith.