Bean counters, ambulance chasers and lion tamers...
Connor Agnew
Corporate Finance adviser providing integrated scaleup and M&A advice to founders and leaders of #Media businesses
With baited breath and an acquired hush, members of the Connections’ London fraternity shifted to the edge of their seats as CEO of Connections, Alex Lamley, introduced the first misconceiver of the evening. Me. The Accountant. Taking on The Law. Tales of libellous lawyers, bad bankers, market researchers, 'economical' economists and “dull, dull, tediously dull!” accountants (not RSM, of course!) followed, with particular highlights including Monty Python, lion taming bean counters and acquiring one’s wife in an auction…
Thoroughly misconceived and fuelled with ire, we took to the lectern once more to vehemently defend our beloved professions. Albeit, the old adage “it’s funny ‘cos it’s true” seemed to cut closer to home for our motley crew of panellists sat before the now generously inebriated (and captivated?!) audience.
Whether our rebuttals were successful or not remains unanswered but at least we still have our jobs. Although after Connections’ inaugural Misconceptions event in London and the many, many critiques of our chosen employ, perhaps this is of little consolation...?
Connections is a networking group for professionals and entrepreneurs from across a range of business sectors. Now operating in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, local networking events are run on a regular basis, providing professionals and entrepreneurs with the opportunity to build networking contacts for the future.
Senior Director at Alvarez & Marsal helping business face challenges and implement turnaround strategies
8 年Sounds like fun Connor. Would love to hear your arguments.......