Beams is on a mission ...
A few years ago I was wondering how a methodology like BIM could change communication between different partners in the building industry. After careful consideration I found out BIM is like ITIL (used in a helpdesk IT environment). Both methodologies are a way of thinking, a certain way of working where everybody is able to use the same information. It's all about using the same communication.
Our mission is to inform company's to start using BIM with an open mind. Our advice is to go 'step by step'. Remember : any implementation will be followed by 'change' ... which is in some cases very difficult to understand by the employees involved in the process and most of the time combined with the wrong training sessions. Anyone can learn how to use a new software package but not everybody has the correct soft skills to start a new function within this new BIM working environment. It's not a secret company's do spent loads of money on software licenses and training they don't even use. To my opinion it is better to use that money on soft skill training and more specific on the job training sessions. That's the way how to prepare your employees towards change and the job they will do in the future.
If you are interested in our ideas and vision when it comes to BIM and digital transformation in the building industry, let us know : [email protected]