Today’s world is fraught with danger – a place where “not knowing” is an excuse rather than a valid justification. You can search on the computer, listen to the radio, or watch television and (depending upon which channel or version you happen to see or hear) find a treasure trove of information, representations and (sometimes) biased opinions about the same story (which never seem to coincide with the “truth” told by another outlet). There is no scarcity of news or information but there seems to be a void (at times) in terms of a credible resource that will RESEARCH the news-worthy situation, ANALYZE the story behind what happened then REPORT INFORMATION in a way that will allow a reader or listener to understand what is happening (rather than simply believing what they are being told). Too often individuals entrusted to report today’s events fabricate or embellish stories rather than simply stating facts as they seek to advance or validate their own opinion rather than allowing others to make their own decisions based upon the reported truth. Shining the light of self-serving opinion IS NOT the kind of beacon that individuals need to keep them from crashing upon a rocky shore during times of turmoil – it is a false security that will often lead to tragedy after leading another into the darkness.?

The many challenges provided by today’s global economy are not unprecedented threats to our sustainability. If you have never read Any Rand’s classic novel Atlas Shrugged, a small investment of your valuable time could reap invaluable rewards. In an uncanny foretelling of our times, Rand points out that “Government ‘help’ to business is just as disastrous as government persecution. The only way a government can be of service to business is by keeping its hands off.” How true in a time of fiscal cliffs, automatic budget cuts and increased taxation intended to redistribute wealth or create equality (rather than equity) in our society. Helping another find their way IS NOT finding it for them and leading them to a destination of your choosing. It IS assisting them as they identify the problem which can be addressed through their own intentional actions while serving as a guide to get them through unfamiliar territory along the way.?

Rather than seeing a storm as a possibility to shine, many view turbulence and tempests as being limitations placed upon their future. To this Ayn states, “Live and act within the limit of your knowledge and keep expanding it throughout the limit of your life. If one does not know, do not get scared – learn.” As you plan, respond, and anticipate, remember that what you know (and how you apply that knowledge to any specific situation) is the major obstacle most face when reaching towards their future. It is not a lack of ability, of trying or of “good intentions” but a lack of commitment and drive that prevents an individual from succeeding…a lack of trust (in their own abilities OR in the help offered by others) that keeps them from trying.?

Elsewhere Rand states, “Do you know the hallmark of a second rater? It is resentment of another’s achievement. They envy achievement and their dream of greatness is a world where all have become like their acknowledged inferiors, not knowing that such dreams are the infallible proof of mediocrity.” Those unable to rise to the top through their own merits or abilities often climb over others by minimizing their value and diminishing their worth. Rand observes that “The question is not who is going to allow you to accomplish your goals – it is who will you allow to stop you (from accomplishing them)?” We are often our own worst enemies because we rush forward as soon as an opening exists then move blindly without input from others, oblivious to the light that a beacon to safety can offer during our self-imposed storms. Compounding that, we expect others to act quickly before gathering information that could be critical to the successful accomplishment of their objectives. Being a beacon is more than simply shining a light – it is also reflecting and redirecting the light of others so they might find their way even when the nights are darkest and the storms most violent in their lives.?

Do not allow yourself (OR others) to be lost in a fog or be shattered upon the rocks. Be a beacon that can “lighten” the load of others while helping them to find their own safety through the rocky shores that life presents us. Seek a guiding light from others should you become lost yourself as it is impossible to lead another when you need leadership yourself. There is no shame in admitting the need for help or support as long as accepting it provides us with the skills, knowledge, and ability to move forward on our own. Extinguishing the beacon of another, however, by closing it out or shutting it down…or shining our own light upon the safety of the shore rather than the turbulence of the waters…is a travesty which should not be allowed nor tolerated.


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